Monday, March 24, 2014

Picture Practice: Water

Since I absolutely love a new reason to take way to many pictures, I was so in when Kelli over at She Crab Soup came up with this Picture Practice link up.   This week was water.  Here are two of my favorite water pictures I have:

A poor flower coming to an end in the garbage disposal.  The way the water fell and the droplets created a crazy pretty picture. IMHO

Of course with it being Wisconsin and the majority of the the water being frozen, here is a picture that was taken while I was out cross country skiing. 

Now next weeks theme is bring on a legit excuse for me to take pictures of almost everything I eat.  Win.


  1. Oooh...the way the the water droplets formed on that visually intriguing! So pretty...both of your pictures!

  2. The flower picture is beautiful, I love that something so ordinary can end up looking so great in a picture. I can't wait to see what you come up with for food!

  3. I love the pics... the flower one is so unique:) Bring on the food!

  4. These pictures make my water glass photo look LAME.

    I love the flower photo! And ice is always beautiful to me in pics...not to walk or drive on.
