Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Mayhem aka chaos.  That was exactly how I felt about the month of April.  For some reason I  was totally completely off track. It was in enough areas to make me want to pull my hair out and just stay in a perpetual fishy face...
Seriously when everything seems to be going a little nuts there is nothing that makes one feel better then a fish face.  Sooner or later you have to stop because otherwise, like mom and dad say, "keep making that face and it'll get stuck like that."  Meals from a straw, I don't think so.  Keep the fish making faces to a minimum, got it.

To prevent mayhem from spilling over into May, I decided it was time to put some goals out there or aka shit I would like to accomplish this month.   As everyone knows when they are tossed on the blog it holds one majorly accountable.  Of course so does putting money on the subject, but with the shitastic job I did on the wallet watch...I be a broke girl with cool things currently.


Getting the Booty in Shape
  1. Run once more per week aka Saturday long runs
  2. Walk the pudgie puppies 3x's a week
  3. Finish the #1800 minute daily challenge
Feeding the Machine
  1. Less carbs more veggies
  2. Try a new grill recipe (also known as find recipe give to the grill master aka hubbie to cook)
  3. Alcohol one day a week  (yes, you read that correctly)
  4. Little to no Sweets
Happy Home
  1. Get Morgan and Coopers picture changed out aka make the yearly collage of the goobers
  2. Kick ass on the house to do list (one project a week minimum) Note to the Wisconsin weather...please cooperate
  1. Refresh the blog
  2. Celebrate our Blogversary
  1. 100 Days of Happy challenge - Click on one of those little social media icons to follow along.
Show me the Money
  1.  Do over on the little wallet watch
    • No outing that is not budgeted for.
    • No items not budgeted for. Above and beyond the everyday
    • No unnecessary purchases. Not on the preplanned list. No buy.
    • Stay within the house, grocery and personal item budget.
And there you have that those goals are set we can bring on May and the warm weather that best come along with it.  Boom we will be getting on track and kicking some arse.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Glimpse of the Weekend past graced with a touch of Spring

Weekends, oh the weekends.  Two days in which you run around like a crazy person.  Time for another rendition of where my weekend went and why can I not have just one more day.

Friday, Track Meet night. One circle, two circle, three circle, and more.  Improved his time and Grandma got to see him run.

Saturday.  Was a day for a little bit of blog work.  Enlisted the help of the steppie.  As you saw yesterday, we took some shadow pictures.  Plus we worked on some "fashion" pictures that will be coming to this little section of the blog sphere.  Here are a few outtakes....
While we were "on location" decided that we might as well enjoy a bit of the day. Of course we went out wandering....
Next time we are definetly going to rethink our shoe decision before venturing onto the trails. Thanking god that we were not in heels at least.  Because you know that would not have stopped us. Our little excursion also enabled me to grab a picture for our signs of spring picture practice with Kelli.
I was so excited to see this little sign of spring on our mini hike. Like giddy like a little school girl.  It has been a long, long winter in Wisconsin folks. 
The rest of our Saturday was spent doing some shopping and indulging in a little mexican (food, not the person, hello) for dinner.  Check out how this douchebaggery parked at Kohls.  I mean come on, it is not like it is porsche.

And a public service announcement for the day...

So don't forget to check people...creepers. the sack it really is just a cleaning and grocery day.  Except this week where the steppie and hubbie had a confirmation party to attend.

Now you should know by now that I would completely use this as a chance to get a daddie/daughter picture.  Later in the day it was our general Sunday family dinner which included an indulgent treat to be featured on the blog soon.   Plus yet another attempt by the little bro to make nice with the chiweenie.  Maybe someday Charlie will come around, at least this time he did not poop on my hubbie.

There you have our little weekend in the sack.  Stop back tomorrow for my monthly faves.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Picture Practice: Shadows

Time again for a little Monday picture practice with Kelli at She Crab Soup. And for today's topic we had shadows.  With the help of the steppie, here is what we came up with....

Our attempt at a heart.  Since we were taking these pictures right around noon, it proved to be rather difficult.  Note for the next time...later in the day or early morning.

This one is fun.  Almost looks like her shadow is skateboarding or surfing.  Just missing the big wave.  Have to say we definetly had fun with this weeks photo challenge.  Stop back tomorrow for a little bit of spring.
Linking up...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blowing it Like it's no One's Business

It happens people, more often than one would like to admit.  You inadvertently blow it.  Generally this happens during the oh so necessary trip to Target.  They should put a sign on the door that says hope you have $100 bucks or extreme will power, good luck.   It is absolutely inevitable that I blow at least $100 whenever I go there.  Thankfully (or really not) there is not one close to home.  Going to a Target it like a mini vacation.  Hence going on said mini vacation completely justifies dropping a nice wad of cash.

Now this brings me to what this post is about…blowing an amazing amount of cash at Target.  Now there is something you can do to lessen the blow to the wallet, in which said savings could possible justify that cute pillow that you have to have, and that is Target couponing.  Honestly I am not a huge couponer (is that a word), just takes way to much time, thought and patience. You know there are better things to do.  Like reading a blog, which would tell you how to target coupon the “easy” way.  Tra La La…thank you Kaitlyn over at Wifessionals for that blog post.  Check it out. How to Extreme Coupon Basics

To some that bad ass post up (the Target section anyway), use manufacturer's coupons (newspapers/online), a Target coupon printed from their website, and the cartwheel app.  You get extra bonus if the item you are shopping for is on sale in the circular.  No idea what the cartwheel app is…google that bad boy.  It is a life changer. Not only can you pre look items up with it, you can scan the barcode of everything you put in the cart and it will tell you if there is an “electronic coupon” for you.  Completely thanking the cashier for that little tid bit.

Now let’s see how I did since it was the first time it was kind of half ass.

What I did do:

·         Went on line to Target to print coupons when available for items on my list

·         Attempted to look up items on the cartwheel app prior to going (use cashier tip above, much easier)

·         Used my red card

Didn’t do

·         Have manufacturers coupons

Here are the savings:

·         Cartwheel App  $5.42

o   What I will do on the future is scan the items when I add them to the cart for coupon checking

·         Coupons  $27.00

o   Got lucky and scored some additional coupons, my cashier was the bombed

·         Gift Card addition for one of my purchases $10

·         Red Card Savings $17

Overall Bill would have been $410.64 and I paid $351.90

Savings 14%

Not too bad for feeling like I didn’t have it together.  Was it easy, yes?   Will it be easier the next time? Most definitely.   No fear my non-couponers.  Target couponing easy as pie highly recommended.

Scared keep the eye on the prize, or pillow or adorable shirt that you just need or the amazingly cute lip gloss.  Good luck loves on your bargain hunt.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weiner Wisdom - Easter Survival

Hello, it is I Chuck the Chiweenie.  I am here to say that I have survived the Easter holiday. 

There was a very brief moment in which I heard mommie mention putting bunny ears on me.  This was very scary since I fear that my puppie brother will confuse me with a real bunny and try eviserate me.  Or is the destruction of me, the gentle chieweenie, his plan to take over the household.  Silly, silly jack russell that shall never happen.  Now I can say that my mommie did put some bunny ears on me....
Thankfully the bunny ears were electronic.  There would be no way my evil puppy brother could shed me to pieces electronically.  He may make a futal attempt to pee on the picture.  That would get him into a great deal of trouble with mommie.  Pee on her smartphone.  That would be the death of him.
My mommie thought it would be "cute" to send this to my uncle.  I fear him.  He is evil.  He attempts to bribe me with treats and make funny ears at me.  I am smart.  Even with your ear attempt I know you are still my uncle.  More on my sentiment towards my uncle later.  He is the father of my very, very evil puppy cousin Winnie.
I understand looking at this picture you would think that there would be no way this poor creature is evil.  Very, Very wrong my friends.  It is smoke and mirrors I tell you.  My puppy cousin is evil.  Has no concern for the life of defenseless little creatures that bring us presents.  I overheard mommie and uncle conversing about how Winnie got into the bunny nest.  This is how my uncle had found the bunnies nest.  Wicked Winnie got into the nest and had a "delectable treat", as my uncle put it.  His very proper way of saying what wicked Winnie had done, as not to upset my mommie too much.

My uncle has realized Winnie's evil ways.  Now he keeps a watchful eye on the old dog to protect the bunnies.  Mommie keeps Bullet from catching the bunnies here and Uncle keeps Winnie from catching the bunnies there.  They are super bunny protectors.

 I, Charlie the chiweenie, shall continue to aid in the protection of bunnies everywhere.  The bunny protector brigrade we shall be...saving bunnies from sea to sea!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Where the weekends went....

Kind of realized that it has been sometime since a weekend recap has hit this little edge of the blog sphere.  Since there has been kind of a lot going on with the holiday and all...why not do a moments in time in the sack post.   Bring on the shenanigans...

First up a shout out for the start of track season

Whoot check out those shoes. That shout out got him to smile during the race. Give this kid so much credit.  He is a two miler.  Which means that you have to run in the same god awful circle 8 times.  And there is no music.  Being a runner, I hate out and backs...a circle 8 times must be total suckage.  Great job at the track meet to the Forest!!
Speaking of Forest, he does have issues.  One of them being his obsessions.  Now I have written on here before about the shoe obsession.  It appears that it has now flowed into a sock obsession also.
When he showed me these, I was like "you seriuosly want these? And you are going to wear them?"  Answer was yes.  There was no way I could pass up getting them for him.  Wait until the day I can sneak a picture when he decides to wear them with shorts and sandals.  At least socks are cheaper then the shoe addiction.
Since I do live in Wisconsin, we were graced with this....
Just craziness. 
Speaking of Craziness....let's see a couple additional uses for the potty training seat. 
Now the by far the best idea to date.  Cute Cooper.
Then there is the Moo with one of his many faces.  One day I will finally suceed in getting the perfect picture of the strange way that child can move his tongue.

Speaking of with my mommie.  My number one quest was to find the perfect sunglasses.  Now when the sunglasses happen to be by the hats....let me take a selfie.
Big pimpin'....we should have been on our way to a tropical island to lay in hammocks and drink umbrella drinks.
Flamingo dress.....oooohhhh fishy face. Hubbie said like no.  Dreamin' of summertime swag time. Skerp.
And one can not forget that it was Easter weekend.   Our Easter Sunday consisted of family, food and more food.   A peek of our little craziness....
Basket for the babies.  Except the white mini eggs who wear for the little brother.  Who may or may not tried to chew my hand off when I wanted one itty bitty little sample.  White chocolate is completely his jam.
The food spread...oh my.  Turkey, ham and all teh fixings.  Plus I showed my mommie and daddie the glory of It's a Sweet Life cupcakes.  Deliciousness.
The hubbie and me had like a little mini date at our own private table in the kitchen.  We are special like that.

We also took time to drive around on Grandma's scooter.  Which I drove for the first time ever.  May just have to get one of those to zip around town on.  Since when I found the winnebago on craigs list it got shoot down.  Much easier to convince people I need a scooter. 
There you have it.   What we have been up to in the sack.  A lot of crazy and some over indulging.
Enjoy your Tuesday

Monday, April 21, 2014

Picture Practice: Nature

Since glorious Wisconsin still has not completely started to turn around here getting a nature picture proved to be slightly difficult.   Decided that for my nature, I would share the wasp nest that lived in our tree until the last storm came thru.

 Those were the pieces that sruvived the fall from the tree.  It is amazing how those creatures built that.

And speaking of nature, ok well maybe it is an animal.  Still super cute.  Let's not forget about the bunnies.
Come back next week for my attempts at Shadows...thats going to be a tough one.  Happy Boston Marathon Monday!!