Friday, March 7, 2014

Picking up my sanity and moving along

Have to say it has been a crazy busy week in our little cul de sac.  Feel like I have been running around like a crazy person. Since it is Friday lets review some awesomeness from the week.

Numero Uno....
Coming home to my local box exchange from Miranda on Monday...made my entire day.

Numero Dos...

DONKEY BASKETBALL...yep you read that right.  Name of the game...points only count if you shoot your basket while on the donkey.  The donkeys basically do whatever they want.  There was one that was actually dumping the person off and running and hiding in the locker room.  It was hilarious.  And my little Morgie Moo got to ride a donkey.  Very hilarious fun evening with the family.

Random things I saw on the interent this week….
* My favorite would be the shout out to the Jack Russell:

Here is my Jack Russell Bullet.  He's my handsome, go anywhere, snuggle buddy

* Way to go Milwaukee…granted this is from a year ago.  But seriously is this something we should be proud of people:  

* What to eat at the drive thru?   Best Fast Food Items. Now the fact that the whopper did not make the best item for Burker King may have just knocked my socks off.  Right along with the fact that KFC wedges beat out the mashed potatoes and colesale…say what ?!?

* Need something to do.
This completely made me laugh…number 1 I completely only check my voicemail to clear the notification.  The only person that seems to levae me voicemail is yes my mother.  I continously explain to her with caller id no need to leave a message I know you call.

Number 2 my son so needs to change his voicemail since he recorded his name prior to puberty.  Of course then I get to hear the little boy forest voice

11 now really who could not use a I am having a shitty day and need a pick me up folder

Speaking of buzzfeed let’s see what I learned from the useless time sucking quizzes this week.
 What should you give up for  lent? You got: Chocolate
And that just happens to be something I am giving up.
    And make room in the garage...
    Which Car Should you Actually Drive?
    1. you got: a Lamborghini Aventador

Oh yeah I pull that girl in garage.  Did you ever notice cars are always referred to as girls. Maybe I will break the mold and change it to a him.  Fred shall live in my garage.  Now all I have to do is inform the husband when I refer to a Fred living in the garage it is my red lamborghini.  No worries.

And we are just going to leave off the complete fitness suckage that happened this week.  Now let's get moving onto the weekend with a little jam.



  1. Donkey basketball, that sounds weird and interesting.

  2. DONKEY BASKETBALL? Why is that so intriguing to me?
