Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Pattys Day

May you be indulging in some green beer or other form of St. Pattys Day festivities.  I know I am looking forward to the irish goodness that awaits me in the slow cooker later.

For now though, let's take a look at the weekend.  Friday and Saturday morning equated to a whole lot of:  where did my time go?  Must have gotten something accomplished since I do not have my Thursday paper sitting on my coffee table.  Plus I did spend some time at the library, where I managed to forget to enter the gift basket raffle.

Now if you haven't heard me bitching (yes, we have escalated to bitching) about winter then you need to hang around here more.   Bet you didn't know we are headed into the next age.  Guess what neither did I, but it seems like it. Since it is still bloody cold outside and we needed something to do.  Cabin fever is reaching it's peek people.  Saturday night we decided to load up the family and go bowling.
I seriously could not even tell you the last time I was bowling.   What I do know is I have serious bowling skills.  Like the skill of losing, the skill of how many different ways/poses/positions can you do while attempting to get the ball down the alley, and the skill of giving the ball random directions that it clearly does not listen too. 
Here is the hubbie...look at that concentration. 

Then we have the Forest.  Who just chooses to grab random balls toss them down the alley and not even use the finger holes.  (please people with all that kind of talk let's keep our minds out of the gutter and your balls or whatever)

Amazingly with all that skill he ended up getting two strikes in a row.
How is that even possible.  We played adults against the teenagers.  The teens grabbed the first game.  Us adults got the second and third games.  And me being the biggest loser in the first game ended up getting 2nd place in the third game. Oh and I even got a strike! Whoot!
Now Sunday is the good ole house cleaning, grocery shopping, blah day.  After that was done the spring bug stung and I decided that even if the outside was not going to reflect spring the house needed too.  Maybe old man winter will get the hint.
If you saw my instagram, we were also sampling a candidate for the boat beverage of choice in the summer of 2014. While doing this, we determined that we needed more then one can and the boys were off to the liqour store.  Sounds simple, right.  It was right up unil the little bro decided he needed to bond with Charlie the chiweenie prior to leaving. Charlie does not like the little bro.  There is no reason behind all.  As the little brother goes up to the chiweenie, he proceeds to scare the poop out of him, literally.  Charlie runs across the back of the couch leaving terds all along the way.  Seriously Charlie was that scared.  After all that excitement, we just chilled for the rest of the evening.
Now what to look forward to this week:
  • I have tomorrow off for Forest's drivers test.  Fingers crossed. 
  • Need to get my basketball bracket filled out. This takes great skill, you need to be very strategic with your eenie, meenis, miney, mos.  And if you need a bracket...go here:
  •  And Kelli over at She Crab Soup gave me yet another reason to snap way to many pictures.  So look for that link up coming next week

And since I have some extra time...going to see what else I can conjure up for you in my little web world.  Stay Tuned.


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