Wednesday, June 19, 2013

International Picnic Day

Time to celebrate. Tuesday was International Picnic Day!

“Hey Boo Boo, let’s go get us a pic-a-nic basket”- Yogi Bear

yogi bear photo: my yogi bear! yogi.gif
From Punchbowl:
During the Victorian era, picnics were very important social occasions. They offered the rare opportunity for young men and women to spend time together in the great outdoors. They were also quite elaborate. A picnic for twenty people might feature cold salmon, lamb, veal, chicken, ham, pigeon pie, sandwiches, fruit, a selection of cheeses, and a variety of baked goods! The modern-day picnic is much less complicated. In fact, the phrase “it’s a picnic” means “it’s easy.”

For our picnic day, we crashed the little brothers house and had our picnic there with him and my adorable nephews. 

Oh my did the boys love this crazy sandwich
Laughing cow cheese, first time....amazing. 
A very glorious day with great food, amazing people, and no run in with any pesky bears try to snatch a pic-a-nic basket. 
 photo 80d1f590-b4d5-41b1-ac17-a3176860d455_zpsf1617518.jpg


  1. Hi Dawn!

    Just returning the follow from the Bloglovin Blog Hop! Sorry it has taken me so long :) I look forward to reading more! Aanie from x

    1. Completely understand, some days (ok most) seems like I run out of hours. Thanks for stopping Aanie. Enjoying your blog also.
