Monday, March 10, 2014

It's warming up here!!

Oh my glorious weekend, how quickly you came and how quickly you went.   What adventures did we partake in this weekend you ask?   Here let me enlighten you.
Saturday AM was a roadtrip down to UW-Washington County for an open house.  Perfect chance to give Forest a peek at college life.  This is a commuter college, so there are no dorms.  The college did a great job.  The presentation and the mix of students speaking was perfect. The Dean of the school was also there and took a moment to speak with every person who came.  Surprisingly, my son did say that it brought some new things to light and tra la la...he learned something!
And I did put my life in his hands as he drove us.  Had to snap a quick selfie.  You know just in case I would happen to die.  Like the last picture of me living ever.  As you can tell...I survived. 

Another part of the master plan was to meet up and have lunch with the rest of the family and go rocket shopping.  While we were waiting for them to arrive, we stopped at the pet store.  And I discovered this.  Could make my little chiweenie into some cute fluffy bunny.  With my luck though Bullet would eviserate Charlie looking for a squeaker. So a huge no go on the bunny costume

Once they arrived we hit Hobbby Lobby on the quest for rocket ships.  Now back in the day this store was the prime place for this stuff.  Not anymore.  Basically now it is all just craft items, scrapping, sewing, decorations.  Only one aisle of models.  Pretty bummed.   Granted I could have spent hours there, but there is no way the boys can tolerate that.   At least I was able to drown my sorrows at BW3's indulging in my fave mojito.
Turns out to that the craft store must not have fed the dinosaurs, since this one was making an attempt at stealing some of the chicken. 

Of course at the pet store I could not walk away without getting my puppies something fun.  Here is Bullet and his new squirrel.
And Bullet taking a nap after working very diligently eviserating said squirrel.  As of this morning I am not even sure what is left of the squirrel.
 Charlie and his new bone...and then the massacre that followed.  Look at that trail of stuffing.  It was a bloody rampage of fluff, I tell you.  Definetly not a sight for the weak.

Our evening ended with the Super Cooper and me trying to figure out how to balance the little red ball on our noses.  Note we are still working on this.  Once we perfect it, we will bring all the dirty details to you.  Warning with how attempt number 1 went, it will be a very, very long time.

Sunday Finally brought us Wisconsin folks some beautiful weather.  And by beautiful I mean like 40 degrees.
So we rolled to the grocery store and meat market for some grilling plans.  This is how we shop with aunite Dawn in the fun cart and get cookies.

 Plus with it being so nice, it was the perfect chance to finally bath the puppies.  Here is Bullet in all his fluffiness.   And he absolutely loves the bath.
Now prior to dinner we also made some cake mix cookies.  Being a bad blogger, I somehow completely forgot to take pictures of that endeavor.  After I feed said mysterious cookies to the people I work with, if they get a thumbs up they may magically appear on here.
The hubbie even dug out an old rocking horse from the basement.  Hubbie and little bro decided that this would now be named Cornholio.
Curious on the whole Cornholio concept. Did you happen to miss out on that portion of your life (or gasp are to young to know).  Check out this video.
And on that note let's just leave you with some adorable pictures of two little boys loving the new rocking horse, Cornholio.

And a very small piece before I depart and let you get on with your week.  The missing Malaysian jet.  First how is this possible?  Has the bermuda trianlge moved? Is this the start of a new series somewhat like Lost only a reality Tv version made up by some sick producer who forgot to inform the world?  It is amazing and saddening all at the same time.  Hopefully they will discover the fate of those aboard soon for the sake of the families and friends for some closure.  Extra hugs to those around you today and everyday, peeps. 


  1. OK, I will forgive you for not taking pictures of the cake mix cookies, but at least tell me what KIND you made! I usually do chocolate cake mix cookies with vanilla frosting in the middle a la Oreos. Thanks for linking up your weekend adventures to Manic Monday! -Gina
    On the Daily Express

  2. What an array of shenanigans you have here! hah! I laughed at the selfie - glad there were no casualties :) And then you sprinkle the end with all that cuteness! Dying over here!!
    Thank you for sharing with Manic Monday!
    And PS I, too, am heartbroken at the lost flight. I cannot even imagine.
    Carylee |
