Thursday, March 6, 2014

Basking in the glorious sunshine

Hey there...guess what time it is, time for a little more travel Thursday.   Since it is still very wintery in Wisconsin, why not continue to reminisce about those wonderful days in the Arizona sunshine.  In my last one you got to see the very lengthy amount of time it took me to get there, now we shall just skip to some great moments in the sun.
Have passport will travel people.  This was huge since I finally got my passport and this was my very first trip out of the country.  Yes, it was to a border town in Mexico but hey I am going with it.  Where my mom and dad took me was very interesting.  Almost like a large flea market. People on the streets were constantly approaching you to see if you needed eye care, dental care or presccription drugs. Plus you had to bargain for almost everything.   Ended up getting some silver jewelery, a blanket, a painting, and this.... 
Yes my intelligent self somewhat forgot that I had to get on a plane to come home. As of today this is still in Arizona in my parents trailer.  It will be joining me in spring.  Which is ok since I still have not even figured out where it is going.
Next up was to check out the sand dunes.....toes in the sand and no water.
 Thats my daddie.

 People take their jeeps, ATV and little dune buggies out there to mess around in the sand.  According to my parents, people get to crazy out there sometimes.

 That little speck in the distance would be me....attempting to climb the very large pile of sand

Alright let's just get started with my Christmas about this one to help with my daily commute.
 Or even better how about this one. 
 To bad the hubbie gave it a complete "NO".
Aside from the various items on display above, the grounds are used for various types of military training and testing of equipment.  Discovered on my way back to Wisconsin that some of the paratroopers go there for "jump" (skydiving) training.
Sorry ladies not that kind of date.  The kind of date that is good for you.  I was amazed at how many date trees there were.  My parents had to take me for a date shake.  Sorry no picture and again drinking this does not help one get a date.

 Yes a  picture with a cactus!!!
My dad staring randomly into a field of icky cabbage.
Along the Colorado River

This next portion that we walked along was pretty interesting to me.  They pump the water from the river into the crop areas/city for watering.  Yes, I know it is the desert.  Still interesting for my northern self.

Just amazing they went as far as the eye could see.
Didn't take very long for my parents to want to lock me up.   At least I didn't get left in the cemetery.

 It was very interesting discovering and seeing what the women prisoners were locked up for.  And yes some were there for murder.  My favorite though is being locked up for seduction.  Bam, you go girls.
 MOM...I promise I will be good for the rest of the trip!!

The guard tower overlook.
And that will be the conclusion of your picture overload for the day and the various places they took me to see while I was there.  Stay tuned for all the glorious food I ate, random stuff while out and about, life in the trailer park, and the day I finally made it home.
Enjoy your Thursday.

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