Monday, March 24, 2014

Did you see the Weekend?

Zoom...did you see that? Pretty fast wasn't it.   That would basically explain my weekend.  Another one of those where did it go again.  Really what I should be asking is where did the money go.  Even with it being my "house shopping weekend", it was over the top this month.
Thank goodness for the April spending freeze coming up. 
  Normally we would just run over to the town about 10 miles away and hit Walmart.  This time though we kind of ended up in Madison.  I am basing this on the fact that I am not good with size (your welcome, hubbie) and bought a picture that did not fit in the living room at Pier 1 in Wausau the other week.   Needless to say I had to return it.  The funny part of the return was when another picture caught my eye.  Oh that will fit, right up until we held the picture I returned next to it.  Guess what same size.  Still have a bare wall.
After that little thing, which was actually pretty big, it was off to Target.  Love!!  Attempted the whole Target couponing thing.  More on this in another post.  I drive my hubbie absolutely crazy with my Target shopping.  Even after two cups of coffee he held it together amazingly well.  Even after we concluded that we would need to go to another Target on the way home later for some items to finish off the living room.
We also used this as a chance to have lunch together at Red Lobster.  Yay, I love me seafood.  Sometimes I feel like I needed to be born closer to an ocean.  Then, of course, I probably would have always wanted to eat steak. 
After that it was off to Best Buy to get me a new computer.  This is the number one reason he held it together so well in Target.  I had my old laptop more years then I can count.  It was definetly time for an upgrade.  Being particular and cheap, it was a daunting task.  The partial blindness requires a smaller screen and I didn't want anything to do with a touch screen. This was going to be my at home computer. After looking I finally found something that I can live with.  Now I am spending my days acclimating to Windows 8.
Our evening consistented of chilling and having a visit from my favorite little goobers. And Cooper loves taking pictures, always has.  Here is his photo taking samples for the evening.

Sunday it was finishing up the shopping and taking care of random business. Sir Charles though was resting.  Never just sit down on a place with a blanket at my house.  You may end up squishing a weiner, which I almost did.  Hence the evil eye from Sir Charles for disrupting his nap.

In our errands on Sunday, was a grocery store trip.  Now the grocery store is under construction, so you needed to go in a special way.

We completely felt like we were going into some sort of haunted house.  Creepy. And Wiscosnsin is on the verge of a thaw out.  After watching the hubbie, pick up dog poo in the morning thought we might want to get another scooper. So can you guess what the most sought after popular out of stock item is......Poop Scoopers.  So much for that idea.
Right next to that was doggie shampoos.  Now maybe my mind has veered into the gutter, But I love pet head dirty talk. Something is just not right about that.  Just sayin'
And being Sunday and was family dinner time.  Which I experimented with one of my staple recipes and it came out even better.  Watch for the recipe on that one.   Plus we ended our day with Family Face time.

What did his bracket do better then mine?!?!
There you have the weekend that was.  Now it is time to get my butt back in gear for yet another week.

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