Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Weekend Recap

Before we even indulge in all the happenings of the weekend (you know the one that happened like 3 days ago, a girl gets busy, you know), let's just stand up and give mother nature a great big...hell yeah, I love you, and thank you for glorious weather!

And now on with it...Friday night the hubbie and I went for some Mexican at our fave Mexican restaurant.   It has been long overdue so of course I got the large margarita.
Saturday oh dear Saturday.  Now if someone could seriously tell me how the heck we seemed to have blown one whole day without much, it would be appreciated.  There was a trip to the hardware store and then a oh I need allergy meds...$200 dollars later.  I can say that I did not spend $100 on one of these even though what can't you love about a full human size skeleton.
Think I would have way to much fun putting him in random place...or having him join me while I drive to work and then sitting in the car in the parking lot.  That's it I could use him as a public service announcement on what happens when one is left in the car on a hot day.   May just have to go back and buy one of those.

Now since the skeletons were out you know the scary movies also happened to be out...and I picked up quite a few awesome ones which are totally going to contribute to our '80's family movie nights.
And then there was the rest of the day in which I have absolutely no clue on what I did.
Sunday...mother nature graced us with some glory and gave us one more day of boating.  Surprisingly there was barely any one out there.  Sorry folks just can't wrap my arms around the fact that summer has to end at labor day. 
I will so miss this view over winter.  As I type it is like 50 degrees here in Wisconsin with no signs of it warming soon.

 Sandbar post labor day - all alone we were except for the moment when I went walking.  had a fish jump right next to me then touched something hard with my foot, which was in no way a rock.  Totally freaked out and basically made the hubbie carry me to the swagtime.  Scared that hard rough thing in the water was a snapping turtle...the vision flashing before my eyes of him taking off a big toes was so not cool.
 That would be the queen of the sandbar..boating bitches stance
After harassing some seagulls...aka disrupting their leisurely float in the water.  It was time for our swagtime to end and move onto family dinner.  Which I have to say we were only short two kids overall this weekend, which is downright miracle.
There you have some tequila, a touch of moving my head to fall, and being graced with a moment of summer to equal our weekend that was.
Stop by later tomorrow in hopes I can share where the heck I have been this week..

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