Thursday, September 25, 2014

Random Thoughts

Time to clean out some cobwebs from the brain...which means you are graced with a random thought dump today!! Ready set go...

TV Time: Is it sad that after hearing on the radio a new season of one of my fave shows is starting I call my hubbie and explain to him that we need to set up a reserved time to sit down and watch TV.  Like I am talking sending a meeting request and ensure I get notified on my phone type of shizzle. American Horror Story. 

Editorial Calendar:  Printed one off  to be filled in for my blog. This editorial calendar thing makes me seriously start to hyperventilate.   Holy hell I am planner...but maybe it is just the whole commitment side of it.

Planners.  I am an avid planner user.  And I swear that on the face of the earth there is not the perfect planner for me. I have reviewed some of the daily ones and even made an attempt. A daily planner is not a good fit for me. I have outlook and I am not at home managing littles.  Next up was a weekly one.  There is one that I have used in the past, but again was lacking some of the things that were nice that I found in a daily planner.  Argh.  Then a new weekly planner came about.  Giving it a shot.  And my list has already began of needs this needs that, can I do this.  Now my brain has gone into over drive and I will be working out a new planner for myself and all the other people who just can't seem to find the right fit and hoepfully mine will be it for them.

Stepmothering. The other day on social media I shared a link: "I am not just a stepmom." This article rings so true. I am not wicked nor evil and I will love you as my own. Stepparenting is not easy. Choosing to love another as your own, wanting the best yet not being able to give or do for them what you feel they deserve. Stepparenting is a struggle. I can only hope my children will walk away as better individuals.

Children. Speaking of children, with the school year starting brings all of the where are your assignments, why the bad grade on this, and unexcused absence...say what moments.  Oh how at those moments do I miss the lazy days of summer. 

Now I am sure that there was something else stirring in the deep dark corners for now though, I will leave you with the above.   Until tomorrow...

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