Tuesday, September 23, 2014

And so it goes...

Another weekend has past.   Kind of wet and rainy here in Wisconsin.  Boating season is basically at a close.  I get one more weekend soon of boat time, so we can winterize and put our swagtime to bed for her long winters rest.

This last weekend was pretty much dedicated to making my wallet whine.  Actually whine is an understatement, it screamed.  Did the house shopping and got all the things we needed to care of the lawn outside plus ended up buying a coffee maker which led to needing new coffee to of course.
Was looking at getting a new Keurig until I discovered that on the new ones, which comes with a pot, you can only use the keurig cups endorsed by Keurig and cannot use the filter insert.   That basically made the Keurig purchase a hell no.  Sorry cost of those little cups too much for the amount of coffee I consume.  While wandering around Menards, I stumbled on the above.  Everything I wanted and almost half the cost of Keurig.  Hamilton Beach for the win it was. 

And then there was the curtain purchase.  I opted that I would be changing out curtains and linens etc in the living room versus picking a paint color that I would not like in a year.   Over the weekend we got the curtains, that will be gracing the windows over fall and winter.   Then of course I pulled out and started decorating with the fall items.

Of course the outside needed a little touch of fall also, so I got the mums to put in the pots for the front stoop. Now in the midst of removing the old flowers from summer, I pulled one of the plants and discovered the crazy root it had going on.
So strange, it actually got thicker towards the end.  Oh and also found a squirrels nut that was nicely buried in one of my planters.   Just left that on the walk for him and I was pretty sure I saw him running around with it later in the day.   I also was able to check off my Vegas collage for the house...only took me over a year.  Oh well, done and ready to be hung.

And as everyone should know around here by now Sunday is all about family dinner day. 
Oh yes auntie Dawn got them new cups with cool little straws that go all around it.

Chuck is still rocking his bow tie.  Such a dapper little dog.
And let me not forget what was found by the littles....remember these?
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends and got as much accomplished as I did.


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