Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Always a story to tell

Since it is Wednesday, it just seems to be the approriate time to go ahead and let everyone know what went down over the glorious three day farewell to summer weekend.  Just an FYI ... I am not letting go of summer yet.  I will be holding on as tightly as possible and praying/hoping/begging that I get one more weekend of heat and boating.

Moving on...Saturday was icky here.  This is a good thing because it forced me to switch up the weekend a bit.  Saturday was dedicated to running my little bum off and getting all of our house stuff done, so Sunday we could play all day with no worries.

Sunday, the one day of the three day weekend in which the weather was playing nice.  We managed to pack alot into our the end we were wiped out and probably all a little cranky....long rockstar days equal edgy. 

Sunday AM was to be deemed the girls kayaking adventure.  Plan was to explore a new portion of the Rock River close to where L lives.  We all met up at 8 dropped L's car at the end and headed to our starting point.  With having no prior knowledge of the area, it took as a little bit to determine where to put in the kayaks.
 Interesting statue in the park called the End of the Trail staue.  For us though it was only the beginning.

During this portion of our adventure, we were still going thru the city.  It is rather hard to believe when you are looking at our surroundings.  We felt like we were in the middle of nowhere.

 A rather mystical morning with the fog and the light mist.

And then it happened...rapids.  Based on the information that the Rock River is shallow I thought we may encounter a section of rapids.  Part of the decision to kayak this morning was in hopes that the rain the days before would increase the water level, so our adventure was not a walk with kayak in tow.
 There was an approximate 10 inch drop prior to the rapid portion.  Which was completely awesome watching the water come over the nose of the kayak as you pressed forward through the rapids trying to avoid rocks and tipping.

And then it was under the bridge to partake in the country portion of our little trip.

The country section had so many little spiders and lots of them.
 Sadly there was also a lot of garbage on this portion of the trip; soccer balls, lawn chairs, and even tires. One section we actually had to squeeze over a tire and thru branches to continue on our way.

Now not only was there squeezing thru and around, but we also had the chance to play a little river limbo.

We ended up having to portage the kayaks around the blocked river twice.  On the first one we thought we would just be able to stand on the branches crossing the river and pull the kayak over.  Sadly though the minute you pushed on the logs that were the closest the kind of sank.  Better safe then sorry and around we went.
 Prior to one of the portages, we heard this extremely scary noise in the woods.  Like a wild boar, scary to the point of paddle faster we have no idea what that was.  Shortly after we were treated to a glimpse of a buck then watched him cross the river about 20 feet in front of us.  It was beautiful.

This is one type of the obstacle that we encountered on the journey.  This one we were able to paddle around.

Later the sun decided to peak thru the clouds.  The steppie obsessed over a blue heron that seemed to be following or staying in the lead on our adventure.  He was then named Ben.  We had the chance to experience two more sets of little rapids on the way.
 All was well until we hit a major obstruction.  A tree on the left halfway into the river and a tree on the right about 5-6 feet later halfway into the river.  The steppie went first and the flow pushed her sideways into the second tree.   She was stuck and laughing her behind off until...her kayak started to turn to it's side.  She pulled it together and down stream she went. 

Next up on the onstacle was L.  Same thing happens.  Pushed sideways into the mass branch of trees.  Except her paddle got stuck within the branches.  As I approach, my kayak begins to push her kayak onto the side slightly.  Not good.  As I back out, scream to the Steppie, L releases the paddle and the water pushes hard into the side of her kayak turning it onto it's side. L holding onto the branch while the kayak goes down stream.   Floating back to her side trying to ensure that my kayak does not push her under...we recall the lesson given at the beginning:  if you tip, try to stand up.  And boom up to her waist the water was and she was good. Thank goodness.

Then it was time for me to check on the discover she handled what was going on like a champ.  The only word or "instruction" that was given to her was a shout of her name.  When I came around the corner she already had L's kayak and paddle.  Dropped my kayak on the bank and walked over to realize she even thought to tie L's kayak to hers so she could paddle where she needed too.   Awesome job.

After all that excitement and our quick little "swim" in the river, it was time to fess up call the boys, explain we had a great story to tell, we would be late and drain the kayak.

Around the bend and another small set of rapids to the car we went.  Loaded up and headed to catch our next boat.   Better late then never.  Sunny, hot afternoon could only mean one thing...swagtime.

Swagtime - Sandbar - Sunny =  Pure Joy

Serioulsy no words or explanation need for those can just feel the awesomeness radiating from them.   Oh and check my new sandals, those Teva's did not leave my feet until I laid my head down for the night.

Think it stopped there...oh no way,  Remember Rockstars.  Since it was Labor Day was also time for the annual cooking contest.  This year was: Chorizo.
 There was so much spice going on in our little kitchen, our eyes burned and we had to step outside for fresh air.
 My hubbies little supervisor, Mr. Tree frog.   He was moved prior to the grilling.

 Hubbies Dish Stuffed Peppers
My dish: Cheesey Chorizo Dip

Forest: Chorizo Enchilida Pie
Steppie:  Chorizo Potato Dish

Announcing the winner
of the glorious trophy

It was.....

surprisingly .....   me
And I can say the competition was firey this year.   Plus we will be keepign and tweaking a few of the recipes from the day for future dinner planning.  
After all of that Sunday evening, we hopped into the boat again and watched our towns fireworks.  After all that it was time to rest our weary, heavy heads.
Monday was spent cleaning boats in the morning and basically just chilling in the afternoon.  Weather was sketchy all day. And there you have our Labor Day weekend festivities.
Another chapter added into our little book of life...because it seems we always end up with  a story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would have panicked and cried during the 10 inch drop! Did anyone fall out of the kayak??
