Friday, September 19, 2014

Fall for Friday

Now who doesn't just absolutely just fall head over heels for Friday.  Well unless you are in a service industry where Friday truly doesn't mean you are having your weekend just yet. 

Everywhere you look Fall is just slowly peaking out. On my drives home a few of the trees leaves are beginning to turn.  The mornings have the crisp cool air lingering about. Since it officially begins next Tuesday, I thought todays five could be dedicated to things that I am looking forward to this fall.

1.   Fall Fires

There is nothing better then a fire on a cool fall day wearing your puffer vest and sipping on some warm beverage.  And Fall means that I am rocking that puffer vest with flannels every chance I get. Hey it only happens for one season.

2.   Fall Smells

Yes, yes and yes please.  The candle smells for fall are a complete love of mine.  That warm smell...glory.
3.  Carmel Apples

Or carmel apple sundays....either way that needs to be in my belly like asap again.  Oh and lets not forget that the salted carmel also comes back to starbucks this time. 
4. Pumpkins and Pumkin Farm time

It was so much fun going with my littles last year to the pumpkin farm, I can't wait to see their excitement again.  And let's not forget there fruitless attempts to pick out the biggest pumpkin they can find and stuff it into their little bags.  Or the fact that they were completely content to just sit and play in the hay barn.

5. Halloween Pub Crawl
Last year was the first time we did this and quite a bit of fun.  So this year we will be doing it again, plus the little bro won't be away this time and will get to join us.  Now to figure out some costume ideas.  The hubbie will have a hard time topping this from last year.
There you have my five things I am looking forward to doing this fall.  It is such a beautiful time of year and I can not wait for all the fun that goes along with it.
What are you looking forward too ?

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