Monday, September 15, 2014

Marathon Monday

OH how I wish this was to be a happy post about how glorious the weekend run went....sadly it will not be.  18-20 miles outside was on the schedule for this week.  Prepped according to what worked glorious for my last 22 miler, was sure to be a winner I had hoped.

My mind was there, but the body was not.  Had not been feeling well on Friday and the fact that I was dead asleep by 9 on Friday should have been a red light.  Awoke to a headache and snifle.  Pulled my arse out of bed, did the morning ritual and out the door I sped  (ha ha Dr. Seussish).

Fall is here, the sun sleeps in and that means it is definetly headlamp required time...
This would be what mile 2 looked liked
My legs on this morning felt like lead...every single step was a major chore.  Approaching 3 miles I could not just straight run anymore and it turned to a run/walk.
Glimpse of the sun rise from the road.
For the next 4 miles every step hurt and took every ounce of effort I could conjoure. Mile 7 my arrival at the little brothers house for a quick gel stop and pottie.  The moment I sat down my legs started to shake and the feeling of pure exhaustion fell upon I knew I could go no more.  Sadly I had to call the hubbie to get me and missed my mileage for the week.
This was a huge kick in my spirit. After my ride picked me up I proceeded home and then slept for another 3 hours.  Throughout the day I felt wiped out.  A little bug took hold on this day.  
Now I offically taper down, I am reminding myself that I got 22 miles in, I know I can do this.  Saturday was a passing moment.  Note though I am making sure I take my vitamins better now.
The day is getting closer.  My nerves are getting larger and it is time to come up with the game plan.
Until next week, when there is a better recap on my 12 miler. Because I will rock that one.  Positivity.

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