Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Beauty Buzz

Welcome to my first Beauty Buzz. 
Linking up with these lovely ladies. 
Now who would have known that all of sudden in adulthood I would be battling skin problems.  Wrinkles, yes understandable.  This whole change where I had bad acne then acne with raw, dry skin, how is that possible though.  Needless to say my skin was having an all out midlife tantrum.  My acne was so bad at a point that they put me on accutane.  It is a crazy horrible drug. Pregnancy and blood tests every month, bad. It did work though. After six months, you are done.  My skin was better. Not fantastic though.  Still had acne, bummer.
Then the dryness came with the acne.  Raw, red, painful skin. Horrible. My hubbie definetly got tired of listening to the complaints.  After many experiments, I finally found some cleansers and a cleanser regime that worked with my skin.  Today my beauty buzz will be face cleaners.
1                                      2
3                                              4
1.  Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleanisng Gel.  -  Weekday morning cleanser 
2.  Mario Badescu Glycolic Foaming Cleanser.   -  Every other weeknight
Love the Mario Badescu products. These little gems are the ones that I believe helped turn my skin around.   Plus when you order, you get three free samples.  Yet another perk.  I love being able to try out new items.
3.  Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit - Weekend morning cleanser. This stuff smells so refreshing.
4. Cetaphil Cleanser - Every other weeknight. This one is a new addition.  We shall see if it can hold up.  Was using Purity prior.
And there you have, the products I use for my temperamental dry combination acne prone skin. As of today, it is loving it.
No filter.
Now a public service announcement (aka Dawn ranting because someone irritated her this morning)Remember beauty is not just skin deep. A person's personality helps make one even more beautiful of a person. Say hello, smile when you pass someone in hallways etc. Hold a door, say thank you.
On another note. It's so cold here in the midwest that Chicago Zoo had to bring in the polar bears and penguins.  Now that is crazy.  Of course, the logic that they have for this is completely understandable.  Guess they are not acclimated to the subzero temperatures. Check out the article:
The obligatory temperature picture to go with the cold weather crab.

And on that note, be beautiful and stay warm



  1. Love the no-filter picture and that you found products that work. And on a side note...those poor bears!

  2. Glad you found the right products for your skin. Thank you for linking up with #beautybuzz!!!

