Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Word It's Wednesday

Time for a little word it's Wednesday.  It has been so long I can't even recall when I wrote about this little change in our household. Back sometime in the distant past our household gave up cable/satelite. We did fairly well without.  Then the winter freeze sets in.  Well actually more like Shameless is back on Showtime.  Priorities People.

Here is a link to a snippet for the very first episode:

Shameless. This show is hilarious.  If there ever comes a point where you feel that your family is a mess or you are at whits end, watch it.  Guaranteed you will feel so much more normal and laugh your pants off.   Of course, once you watch it and realize the complete debotchery that occurs it can only make one wonder what crazy, awesomely corrupt mind writes this stuff.  We love it.

This also means that I get "Shameless" dates with the hubbie.  Completely our show,  Not for younger viewers eyes adults only.  Extra bonus.

Anyways so we have satelite back in the house, local channels, football all of it.  Glorious.  Until Summer when there is more to do outside then we will probably make it go away. Sorry teenagers.

In other news, last week I decided to make "slutty" brownies for my old boss since he was going to be in town.

Speaking of slutty for some reason this would just be approriate to follow up with that.   Especially when you of age ladies are out this weekend....sprite helps hangovers.  Say what. Not that I encourage seeking out a hangover but if it would happen by chance. There is the supposed next day helper.Sorry I have not tried this at home.  And pretty confident you don't need to be a professional drinker to try this out.

Okay enough distractions and back to the brownies. Now while attempting to make said brownies I may have accidently switched the oil and water quantities.  Of course I noticed it after all the ingredients were in the bowl.  We had to do an emergency run for another box of brownie mix.  Thankfully Kwik Trip happened to have brownie mix.   We have no grocery store in our town.  Kwik Trip is a lifesaver for house.   They have enough of the basics for it to feel like a mini grocery store.  There prices on everyday items (milk, eggs) are even better priced then at the grocery store.

So enough of the soapbox talk about Kwik Trip and my forever gratefulness for them.  Back to the brownies. Focus.  There was no way I could stomach throwing out the mixed up mix.  At the perfect time, the hubbie comes in and says just make them let's see what happens.  Yay.  Now I bet you want to know what happened.   How about this:

Tasted like a normal brownie, just quite a bit thinner then a normal brownie.  That had to be one of the longest round about stories to get to a simple picture of a brownie.

Since the whole beginning portion of this post just appeared to be rather dirty, let's clean things up a little bit here and show some love.  Which could turn out to be dirty.  We will just avoid that though.

While mailing out my carabox, I looked up and noticed a display with postcards.  Not just any postcards, but spongebob postcards.  Then the mail lady tells me they are free.  Free to get and free to send.  Bonus. So of course I had to get some to send a little love to some of my favorite people.
Look at those two little handsome goobers.   My mom and dad also got sent one stating my complete anticipation of the day when I come to visit them.  As of today though they have not received it.  Ok, so get to your post office, see if they have these, and send some love someones way.


Here are some other things from the week that just tugged at my heart strings:

This story related to the holocaust.
As strange as it is, I enjoy reading the stories of the struggle and perseverance from this period. I can only hope that if hardships would ever come my way I would handle it with as much courage as the people who suffered through this.

This story related to a random act of kindness.
Taking a sad time to do good and show some love.  A moment of kindness, gratefullness.  Spread the love.

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