Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Highlights

Monday the start of a new week. Which means of course another weekend is behind us.  It actually took me sometime to figure out where the heck my weekend actually went.  Sometimes it is a good thing I take pictures.

Saturday afternoon was spent watching Forest play basketball.  It was an amazing game.   So good it went into overtime.  Sad to say we could not pull off the win though.

Saturday Evening it was time to load up on some chili before heading out for a night hike.  The Horicon Marsh International Education Center holds a candlelight night hike in January.  This was our third year going.     It is such a wonderful event.   They have crafts for the kids, astronomers on hand for star gazing (if it is not cloudy), movies about the marsh, speakers along the hiking route and of course, a bonfire.  It was a glorious night for a hike.

The candle lite path.  They use white bags with a wooden base that holds the candle to light the enitre path.  Which is about a 1.5 miles long.

The moon was also pretty full Saturday.  This was our view as we walked back.  Then of course you need to warm up around the huge bonfire.

They also have a smaller fire on the side for kids to roast marshmallows.
Now Sunday in our house is "chore" day.  This week I swear that it was the largest laundry day we have ever had.  So majority of the day was spent doing that.  Then it was time for baked potatoe bar and the viewing of our 2013 Family Movie.   Every year I take all of our pictures from the year and create a video.   The video contains shout outs of people accomplishments and the photos are shown to music from the year.   It is always fun to take a look back and see what we accomplished.
All-n-all that pretty much summed up the weekend. 


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun! I'd love to go on a night hike.

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts
