Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Beauty Buzz - Makeup Pallette

If you haven't heard this girl will be going to visit her mommie and daddie in Arizona next week.  Now what does this have to do with a beauty buzz you ask?  Simple my intent was to write about the glorious eye creams that I use until I realized that one of them are being pre-sent to Arizona for my arrival.
Instead I am going to use this as an opportunity to tell you about this wonderful etsy shop I discovered.   Disclaimer :This is not a paid sponsorship.  I just truly love her product.
The story went like this.  Had a palette of eyeshadows, hit pan on one of them.  Needed to replace it.  Of course, buying this individually in the plastic was more expensive than one without.  Perfect reason to look for a makeup palette in which I could combine my fave eyeshadows.  So hi-ho-hi-ho off to etsy I go.   Girl needs to have a fun one.
That is when I discovered the shop Mini Mint Palette.

The quality of her products are amazing.  Her designs(prints) are always changing.  Such a beautiful product. Wow did I say that already.  It is just that fantastic.  The communication received from her was wonderful.  Another bonus for me was that she is based out of Wisconsin.  Which meant I was supporting a local business.

This right there is my beauty buzz.  I am definetly buzzing about it.  Completely enjoying that I have something to help build my very own customized palette.

And I would like to take time out today to mention a random act of kindness that I decided to do.  Inspired by Sunny with a chance of Sprinkles.   As the world knows it is once again fridge up in the northern midwest. To often as we sit in our warm houses or businesses, do we forget about those who everyday work out in the elements to service us.  My random act of kindness was for our mail carrier, who braves the cold and deals with all those packages I get.

There you have it for todays beauty buzz.  Stay warm lovelies.


  1. Love anything related to random acts of kindness! :) Sometimes, I pay for the person behind me's drink at Starbucks!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  2. Always love hearing random acts of kindness. Thank you for participating in the weekly Beauty Buzz link up :) Have a fabulous day and stay warm!!!


  3. The hand warmers are so thoughtful! Found you today from #BeautyBuzz.

  4. Aw!!! I'm so happy you did the hand warmers idea!!! :) You go girl! That just put the biggest smile on my face!
