Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beauty Buzz - Toners

Time for another beauty buzz Tuesday.  First off let's get the this is my skin information out of the way. I have combination skin that leans to the dry side with acne problems when it gets moodie.

Now onto todays Beauty Buzz. Tra la la, let's here it for the toners that I use.

1. Lush Eau Roma Water - This is a very gentle toner.   The smell of lavendar and rose is wonderful. You can spritz it directly on your skin or a cotton ball.  This is a very soothing toner. I use this on alternate evenings when I use a stronger face wash (my glycolic soap).  
2. Generic Witch Hazel.  Now this can actually be found in the medical section of the store.  The smell to me seems to be rather woodsy. Many years ago I recall seeing a bottle of witch hazel in my grandmother's bathroom cabinet.  At that point I did not realize it's use as a natural skin astrigent.
3. Mario Badescu Cucumber Cleansing Lotion -  The smell to this one is a sterile type smell.  In a good way, of course.   My skin feels amazingly clean after I use this.   I use this in the evenings with a milder soap.
4.  Mario Badescu Seaweed Cleansing Lotion - This contains witch hazel along with aloe and of course as the name implies seaweed.  This I use during the weekday mornings.  It lives in my locker. Gentlier toner that is very fragrant.  It has a flowery smell to it.

I have always felt I had to use a toner.  Then I was seeing people who really didn't use them at all.  For a period when my skin was extremely dry and raw I did give mine up for a brief period of time.  Currently though that is what I am using.  The regime is about as straightforward as everything else I do, which if you have been following along not very.

During the weekday mornings I use number 4, evenings I rotate between 1 and 3, and then on the weekend I use number 2 in the mornings.

There you have the toner regime in all its glory.  And since it is beauty buzz time why not talk about more beauty items. I just ran out of some items in beauty regime and had to go the bad place.  You know Sephora (ha ha).  Dear Sephora you are a ladies candy store.  And since I am on the whole January spending freeze.   These items were not planned for neither so sadly they will go down as a bust.  Here is my mini haul:

Can not wait to use the Glamglow mud samples either.  The bite beauty agave lip mask is a new edition or trial item. It came highly reccomended from the girl at the store.  We shall see.
And that is a wrap for today's beauty buzz.  Thanks for stopping by lovelies.
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1 comment:

  1. Love the Mario Badescu toners, they are so gentle yet effective. They also leave a nice scent. Thanks so much for linking up with #BeautyBuzz this week!
