Friday, January 17, 2014

Fitness Follow thru Friday

Here we are in week two.  Surprisingly everyone is still alive. Could you imagine explaining to the cops that a person was dead due to the goal of making healthy choices? Sorry officer they just couldn't take it anymore (or quite possible someone in the house couldn't handle the suffering noises of the beast being denied what they want).  Thank goodness we are not in that situation right now.

Really no changes to the original plan right now. Still going with the goal of  Healthy choices for the month. More fruits and veggies, measuring our portions, and weighing in.

Our new "snack" drawer in the refrigerator

Preportioning our snacks so we are not running around like crazy during the week.

Our biggest struggle of the week was the weekend.  Saturday both the hubbie and myself did not plan accordingly with our eating which led to a moment of raging starvation and an impulse buy of beef jerky in the checkout.   Bonus though is that it was not a candy bar.  Whoot.
Sunday was better.  Planned mexican for diner. I did not realize that my morning calories would not take me to dinner.   Was saving like 120 for a glass of wine.  It is Sunday.  Sunday is not complete without a glass of wine. Anyways 0 calorie pickles saved the day.
By far we have had the hardest time with the weekend. The hubbie did purchase an air popper also for popcorn to help with his snacking. The rest of the week has been going pretty smooth.
I, myself have had a difficult time getting in gear with my running.  Not sure why, but this week has not been the most pleasant experience for me. Was short on my mileage both days.  Body was not playing along.  What my body should realize is that when it has a tantrum, I will push harder next time.  And punish.

Alrighty let's get this line up started and see how/what we have been doing this week and moving forward.

Hubbie - Goal Lose Weight (40-45lbs)
Monitor food intake via myfitnesspal
Keep his calories at 1440
Packing a lunch and snacks instead of eating gas station food
Snacks are veggies or fruit - now added popcorn from the air popper
Having breakfast before he leaves the house
Weight Lost to date:  10lbs

Steppie - Goal Lose Weight (20lbs)
Monitor calories via myfitness pal
1200 calories a day
Keeping milk to 2 glasses per day
No soda or sweets
Correctly items into the app
Starting basketball this week
Weight Lost to date: 1.2lbs

Forest - Goal Gain Weight/half marathon
Added juice into morning meal
Glass of milk with evening meal
Playing a ton of basketball
Weight Gain to date: 0  

Dawn - Goal Lose Weight/Lean up/Run a half marathon
Monitor calories via myfitness pal
Hit the gym everyday this week
Weight Lost to date: 4.5lbs 
Current Body Fat %:  23.6

And that is about it for week 2. Cross your fingers we all survive another week. And that we are not fighting for our lives...

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1 comment:

  1. Great job on the snack drawer and preportioning snacks. I like to mix fresh berries and a bit of stevia or Truvia with my greek yogurt. cocoa powder and/or nuts is a yummy too! I hope you have calories for your glass of wine left this Sunday ;) I just started a blog at it would be great if you stopped by!
