Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fiesta Fun....

A little late on our Cinco(actually tres for us) de Mayo celebration, there were other more pressing issues occuring in blogland.  Like sending our love and support to Baby Boy Bakery.
Really we don't do much of anything for cinco de mayo except cook up some mexican food on a normal year.  To be quite honest, we love our mexican food so much in the sac that we will find any excuse to make it.   This year though we decided to add a little extra fun since we were going to do a mini celebration on the 3rd.  
Bring on the pinata. 
Plus I used the excuse to pour myself a Raz-ber-rita....and then let's not forget about our grilled chicken burritos.  Glorious.

Now let's get back to the pinata.  We decided to hang ours on the deck and of course make it the correct height for the little goobers.  Yes, you will be seeing things correct....they are wearing winter jackets.  One word : Wisconsin.

Try as they might hand nor stick nor even some little mini paddle would break that thing open for them.  It was time to call in the heavy aka the goobers big teenage cousin, my forest (of course).
A smack of the hand...nothing.
A beating with a stick...equaled a broken stick.  There was no way that bull was going to crack. Until...

He brought out the baseball bat. Then it was game on for the kids.

What did we learn from this experience?  If we do one next year we will not be buying one from the store.  I will be embracing my paper mache abilities instead.  The store bought pinatas are just way to difficult to break open for our littles and teen even.

We have decided that to deter evil from our house, the bull head will remain hanging out on the porch.
Linking up with Kristin today...

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I almost got out all the margarita-making stuff and then remembered it was a Monday night and I couldn't summon up the energy.
    I was going to say, it looks chilly where you are!

    Kristin :)
