Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wallet Watch

Seriously think I was not thinking at all or totally went into the April wallet watch with absolutely no plan.  Either way...it sucked.  To the point that I will be playing the redo game in May.  Let's just go down the list of dirty deeds:

Let the good times roll...right along with the bank roll. 

Ice cream station Trip, Badgers in the final four, parents welcome home dinner, and a fish fry.  Living like a rockstar.
Since you are living it up like a rock star, why not shop like a professional shopper right away too.  Unplanned infractions beginning in 3...2....1
Cents of Style - Friday Fashion find.  So cute and only $6
Awesome find for a wall in our breakfast nook...you know we were going to redo the kitchen anyways.
Then there was the time where we "had" to stop at the mall since we happened to be in the area with time to kill.  Resulting in an awesome smelling candle, new blush (not shown), and a fresh face mask from Lush, of course.
Then my mommie "needed" to go shopping with me.  The hubbie is always very grateful for this.  Found me some adorable not budgeted/planned for clothes and these awesome shoes...totally in love with rocket dog.
And last but not least due to circumstances way beyond my control, the hairdryer died and I had to get a new one.  Which new one may have just been located near a sephora resulting in massive makeup budget shame...

Now I am going to crawl under a rock with my shame and snuggle for awhile.  The only wallet watching I did was watching it being opened. 
This girl will/is doing a do over in the month of May.  Same rules and hopefully a better outcome...would say momma needs a new pair of shoes but obviously I took care of that.
Wish me luck

1 comment:

  1. London Calling! I want to sniff that, I'll peruse B&BW for lunch.

    I love the wall rack too.

    Better luck this month!
