Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Five - Mommie Ideas

Coming quicker then a race horse at the Kentucky derby would be Mothers day, ok well maybe close.  It definetly is right around the corner.  As I scroll thru my blogfeed, I see numerous posts about what a person could buy their mother for mother's day.  I understand that everyone loves to give the gifts of pretty jewelery (especially with the kids name on it), clothes, coffee mugs, cute footprints from your teenager (oh nevermind that would be hilarious and I would need a poster frame for that picture), etc. Realistic though how much or how many times does this stuff get worn or used.  When they get older too, I personally always hear "don't get me anything I have to much stuff already."

So today I am going to bring you my Friday five mommie day gifts:

1.  Yourself.  Yeah I know they have put up with you for years.  Quality time with your mommie numero uno best gift.  And who could resist such a cute face.
2. Mommie date...almost like number 1.  Take your mommie on an excursion.  Mine loves to go to musicals...nothing better then a reason to get fancy and have a glorious dinner.  Making memories.

3.  Her favorite food or beverage.  An extra bonus for you, if she decides to share.

4.  Flowers aka something that brings even more beauty into her life.  My mommie would always buy a flower basket for outside.  Now I buy it for her from our high school FFA group's flower sale for a double win.  Making mom happy plus supporting the our local teenagers.

5.  And last but not least....peace and quiet. No bickering, complaining, do what you can for her and let her enjoy her day.
There you have my five sure fire wins for a happy mommie on her day. 

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