Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Terror Tuesday

Since it is obviously Halloween week in the world, no better chance then to think write about things halloweenie.

On the way into work the other morning, the radio show was talking about Halloween music. Or maybe I should of said lack there of.  Then I had to go and find as much Halloween music that I could think of.  Here are some of the musical selections that I came up with for your listening pleasure:
Thriller by Michael Jackson on Grooveshark Nightmare on My Street by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince on Grooveshark Monster Mash by Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt Kickers on Grooveshark Time Warp by Rocky Horror Picture Show on Grooveshark This is halloween by The Citizens Of Halloween on Grooveshark

Not too bad.  There is one song though that came to mind, but you will have to wait until Thursday for the big Halloween costume reveal.    Oh now did I possible give a hint as to the costumes.  Possible, quite possible.

After listening to the conversation and thinking about music, my mind wandered off and started thinking about serial killers.  Yep, you heard that right serial killers.  In the (fictional) world of serial killers, where are the ladies at?  Can you think of any (fictional) female serial killers? Ready, set, go.

Since I am struggling with the ladies, let's give a shout out to the boys that make us look over our shoulder, make our skin crawl, and make us want to stay up all night.

 The Collector - breaks into the house, kills everyone except for one lucky individual who ends up in a trunk for his little collection.
Leatherface - Now this guy is just going to chase you down to eat you.

Jigsaw - remember that time when you....well he does and makes sure you pay for it. Better behave you never know if he is watching.

Jason - Summer camp will never be the same. Poor kid drowned at camp when he was kid.  Br grateful you are not a counselor who he would like to seek his revenge on. No where to hide.

Freddy Krueger - Can't even sleep with this guy around.  Invades your dreams to kill you off.
Alrighty, now that I have sufficiently managed to creep myself out a little bit, this non-virgin big boobed girl is going to go and hide somewhere in hopes that I will make it for more then 15 minutes in the horror movie life.
Pull those blankets up tight tonight my pretties
Dawn Marie

1 comment:

  1. Even these pictures creep me out. I. don't. do. scary.

