Monday, October 7, 2013

Fall Weekend Shenigans

As I mentioned before this was once again a long weekend for me.  Started on Thursday again.  You know a girl could get used to this whole four day work week thing.  

Once again we started with a cross country meet on Thursday.  This is the one course where I really don't get to see him very often.  It is at a beautiful county park.  Seriously think about going out here to run it myself..

One of my fave pictures to capture the "herd" taking off

Awesome Job for my Forest.  He improved his time by 35 seconds from last year.
Later in the evening, we had a little excitement in our little neck of the woods.  I mentioned somewhere that it was fall, right?  Well I do live in Wisconsin, so the fact that there was a little dose of a summer moment really should not have surprised me.   Tornado Sirens.  Yup, you heard that right. Tornado.  We (the kids and I) spent about 45 minutes in the basement.  Of course the hubbie was outside.
The world is all good as long as they don't lose the internet connection.  My son was providing report outs from Twitter of where some of his friends were was in Walmart.
Friday morning took the steppie to school.  After helping her with her hair and makeup.

Thankfully we were not late getting her there.   We cut it down to the wire.  Hey it takes time to make one extra beautiful.  
Afterwards since it was still a rainy, whats a girl to do but go shopping.  This was a very productive trip for me.
Picked up everything needed to get my Honey please list started and taken care of by the honey (of course). 
And, since I did such a good job at my wife duties picked up some sparkles....
Really, just look for every possibly excuse to justify the fact that I have a sparkly nail polish addiction.  The first step is admitting the problem, right.
Also picked up the basics to make some slutty brownies.  These things are super easy (hence where the slutty comes from I guess).  And delicious, which I really don't think a ___ would be, but we will just keep our minds out of the gutter and focused on the following deliciousness.
And there was a tube of cookie dough.
Grease pan, press cookie dough on the bottom, top with oreo cookies.  Make brownie mix. Pour over the top and back according to the brownie mix directions and boom....
After a hard day of primping, shopping and baking, it was off to the homecoming parade.
 Check out his little stash.  Made sure to put it on the side away from his brother too.
They didn't even have to get out of the stroller.  People were bringing it to them.
By this point we opted to not go with our original plans for the weekend.  It was way to rainy to go and attempt camping.  Cold and wet equals no fun.  Instead Friday night we rented a movie, "Iron Man 3". 
Saturday was still wet and rainy a perfect day to get up some of my halloween decorations and play dress up with two not so willing participants.  Really they like it.
 Assuming the thoughts running thru his head were "first you put this stupid bell thing on me and now you are going to take my picture, growl"

Yes, a witch hat is a required item to decorate for halloween.
Later that evening was time for the homecoming dance for the Forest and his lovely date.

 The lovely ladies
The what do you mean I lost my date to a two year old look. How does that happen you ask?

 Showing off the belly of course.
 And the non-stinky boys
Cute Couples

and their whole group.  The parent who hosted this chaosis should get saint status.  There was an amazing amount of clothes, glitter nail polish and hair products hanging around.
 At the dance.....

 Goodness this picture just makes me feel short.  I even had heels on. 
Sunday, the weather finally cleared up and it was time for the number one fall activity. Time to hit the pumpkin farm.   My escorts this year were the little brother and the big boys.

King of Hay Pile

That slide was super fast awesome

Day at the pumpkin farm is not complete with out a venture in the corn maze. My little bro's navigation skills are amazeballs.  We didn't get lost or turned around even once.

And off to the pumpkin patch

 Then it was time for a treat...
Carmel apple sundae...this is the number one reason (aside from pumpkins of course) to go to the pumpkin farm.
That was an absolute glorious fun filled fall weekend.
xoxo,  Dawn Marie
Sami's Shenanigans

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