Friday, August 29, 2014

Five Moments to Remind Me

Not going to lie to you it this week has been kind of rough...a whole lot of immature pettiness going on down in the glorious world of work.  Miss the days of when people were doing what is correct for the benefit of the company and leaving their personal issues behind. With a three day weekend and
the world of frustrations weighing on my shoulders just a wee bit too much...thought I would make my Friday Five, five things that were awesome this week.  Let's look back at the good and forget the bad.

1. It's a Sweet Life Cupcakes - Having L bring me some of these delectable, taste bud making happiness, bites of goodness absolutely rocked.
2. Making a priority, ok more more like indulging a sudden craving for radishes, and going to the farmers market.  Not only did I get my radishes, but got some kohlrabi too plus took my mommie with me.  I always try to buy from the "true" farmers aka the little old folks who you can tell rely on this for their over well being.

3.  National Puppie Day - Sometimes you just need a reminder other than some chiweenie staring at you that these guys bring me moments of happiness.  Like watching them chase each other around the living room until my little old man, Bullet gets to tired.

4. In the world of having way to much going on, happening, need to remember and get accomplished, I came up with the brilliant idea I needed a house binder. The fact that I have it basically pu ttogether and feeling pretty much like I have my ducks all lined up in a row is awesome.   Watch out for future posts regarding  the Project Binder.

5. Last but finally not least it is Friday.  I am half way thru my day and work is done for the week.  May all the cranky, self centered little shits enjoy the three days off and hopefully come back with a new insight on life....and if not may they just end up with the shits.

Peace out my people, and cheers to three days of family and fun!!

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