Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Let's Get Wild (Part 1), It's Wednesday

Starting to sense a theme to my posts this week.  Once again we are talking about something wild.  This time it will be about the wild wilderness adventure we had this weekend....backpacking.

Our backpacking adventure took place in the Wisconsin Northern Kettle Moraine forest on the Ice Age trail.   It would be a two night trip with one night spent at the shelter and the next at a campground along the trail.  Our group that was going was fairly large consisting of 7 people total.  Four adults, one teenager, one tween, and a child.   Let's just take a look at the crazies...

Now the rundown...with approximate ages (except the adults because everyone knows we are not a day over 27) /experience levels
  • Me:   Head Crazy. I live for being outside. Number of backpacking/camping adventures more then I can count. Really all I want is to get lost and see the world.
  • Little Bro:  Hunter and camping. Never backpacked.
  • Hubbie:  Slightly Crazy (after all he married me) and a great sport with my crazy ideas. Modified Backpacking and camping, of course.
  • Steppie (15):  Crazy. She looks forward to backpacking/camping.   Experience:  1x true Backpacking, modified backpacking and camping.
  • MoMo(7):  The youngest/littlest of the group.  First timer.
  • L:   Army Vet.  Experience via the army.
  • Miss A(11):   First Timer.
I am a firm believer in exposing the kids to this type of adventure.  Plus giving them the experience of carrying their own items and contributing to the group. The first time I went with my steppie, I thought for sure she would/was hating it.  Turns out I was thankfully wrong and now I have a partner in crime for my adventures.  Let's get on with the trip...

Car dropping...we left one car at the end point and the other at the starting point, which meant we got to play the game of how many people and packs can we stuff into the green burrito.

Everyone fit and we weren't even busting at the seams...look very closely to see the MoMo hidden back behind the pack.  Green Burrito

Prior to heading out on the trail there was a little prep that needed to be completed...such as the little bro getting his blue bowl fly trap ready.  Results to follow...

And of course let's not forget a little pre hike food...we opted for some delicious walking tacos.

Now some views from the trail...

Not even half way thru the hike and he already had some flies on his little blue bowl.  We were not bothered by bowl fly device for the win.

Our first little break on the road for a quick reapply of some bugspray and to catch our breath outside of the mosquito infested woods.

And off again....

There were tons of toads along the trail, which of course meant the little bro and steppie had to catch them.  Very tiny little things they were.

Over the meadow we go...

Butler Lake our halfway point and time for a longer break and snack.

 Beautiful yet icky

When there is a water source available you take it to top off and fill water bottles as needed plus get an extra long drink. (not from the above, see below)

2.8 Miles to go

After battling the bugs and very rolling hills, we made it to camp.

My celebratory cocktail, little bro starting a fire for dinner and the steppie teaching momo how to light things on fire with the magnifying glass on their emergency whistles.  Yes you read that correctly, starting things on fire. Important back country skill.

Dinner for the evening was steak, couscous and mac&cheese.  Sorry for the lack of the camp pictures.  It gets rather busy at camp between cooking, setting up and gathering items for fire.

This would be our gracious host for the evening the little green gummie bear. Who surprisingly had no issues with the little mice that frequent the shelter.  

And there you have day one of our little adventure into the backwoods.  Aside from some tired littles, our first day went well. 

Stay tuned for Part 2

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