It appears that this article has been making it's rounds over the last few days. It is the Pope's 10 secrets to happiness. Which can be found here: In latest interview, Pope Francis reveals top 10 secrets to happiness
Today I want to bring them to you, with my added input where needed, of course.
1. "Live and let live."
The past is the past let it go and forget especially those things that were not so good. On occassion people have told or asked me about the past, I choose not to speak about them or dredge in them because I need/want to move onto a better place. Please people...let it go especially the bad look at the light in the future.
2. "Be giving of yourself to others." - People need to be open and generous toward
others, he said, because "if you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of
becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid."
If more people thought of others instead of themselves wouldn't it be a happier place for everyone. Think of the impact your decisions has on people around you aside from just you.
3. "Proceed
calmly" in life. - "He
says that in his youth he was a stream full of rocks that he carried with him;
as an adult, a rushing river; and in old age, he was still moving, but slowly,
like a pool" of water, the pope said. He said he likes this latter image of a
pool of water -- to have "the ability to move with kindness and humility, a
calmness in life."
Kindness, humility. Really no matter who you are where you are be kind and humble. Don't look down upon others. You could be a CEO sitting next to someone who cleans your toilet, at the end of the day everyone is just another person trying to navigate the world. Remember in a blink of an eye the roles could be reversed. Do unto others as you would like to be done to you. It will pay off in the end. When you need a person help the way you treated them will be remembered.
4. "A healthy sense of leisure." The pleasures of art,
literature and playing together with children have been lost, he
"Consumerism has brought us anxiety" and stress, causing people to
lose a "healthy culture of leisure." Their time is "swallowed up" so people
can't share it with anyone.
Even though many parents work long hours,
they must set aside time to play with their children; work schedules make it
"complicated, but you must do it," he said.
Families must also turn off
the TV when they sit down to eat because, even though television is useful for
keeping up with the news, having it on during mealtime "doesn't let you
communicate" with each other, the pope said.
Making time for one another to have fun, so important. Work hard, play hard. A balance.
5. Sundays should be
holidays. Workers should have Sundays off because "Sunday is for family," he
And this one he hit right on the head for me. Sunday is for family. Inadvertently we started Sunday family dinners at my house. They are hectic and crazy, but by far one of my favorite days of the week. Everyone around the table, chilling and being silly.
6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people.
"We need to be creative with young people. If they have no opportunities they
will get into drugs" and be more vulnerable to suicide, he said.
not enough to give them food," he said. "Dignity is given to you when you can
bring food home" from one's own labor.
The value of work. He could not have said this better. Teaching our children less entitlement.
7. Respect and take care of
nature. Environmental degradation "is one of the biggest challenges we have," he
said. "I think a question that we're not asking ourselves is: 'Isn't humanity
committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of
Teach the love of the outdoors. The glory, stillness, and beauty it holds for each and every person.
8. Stop being negative. "Needing to talk badly about others
indicates low self-esteem. That means, 'I feel so low that instead of picking
myself up I have to cut others down,'" the pope said. "Letting go of negative
things quickly is healthy."
Negativity. I hate negativity. I yes want to look at the glass half full side. Negative people drag me down and that just doesn't work for me. Let's be positive.
9. Don't proselytize; respect others'
beliefs. "We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in
communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which
paralyzes: 'I am talking with you in order to persuade you,' No. Each person
dialogues, starting with his and her own identity. The church grows by
attraction, not proselytizing," the pope said.
I love this statement from him because he is the catholic pope. No where within these messages is he pushing his faith onto others. It is a view of teaching and learning from others.
10. Work for peace. "We
are living in a time of many wars," he said, and "the call for peace must be
shouted. Peace sometimes gives the impression of being quiet, but it is never
quiet, peace is always proactive" and dynamic.
Wish I had a comment on the last but do not. What I do know is I love this list in general. I am enjoying the fact that the Catholic Pope is taking viewpoints based on where he came from in life and that are with the times. And let me state, I am not Catholic. That is where the religion conversation shall end...see number 9 above. For this list, his regard to the current times, and choices to live his life simply, he wins as the pope with the mostest.
There are my Thursday Thoughts.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Phantoms, Fishery and Rednecks
As I read thru numerous other blogger's posts, the consensus seems to be that like our shcool age children everyone gets a little lazy in the whole blogging arena. Diddo over in this neck of the woods. There is always so much going on and things to get ready for. With that being said, let's get to my long weekend and see what I had to get all ready for.
Friday was my mommie and me day. First up was a little trip to the salon to get all pretty and stuff.
Phantoms or Phantom of the Opera
Friday was my mommie and me day. First up was a little trip to the salon to get all pretty and stuff.
Thank goodness for an awesome hair dresser and Stitchfix. No idea where I would be without them. Then it was off to dinner at Mo's a place for steaks. The food there is glorious and this time around we actually had a seat by the window. Here is my obligatory cocktail picture.
Really it just looks so pretty sitting there. And always make sure to get dessert, even if you take it to go, at a fancy restuarant. It will then serve another purpose, like breakfast the next day. After dinner, it was off to see Phantom of the Opera.
This is the view from our seats. It was the first time I sat in one of the balcony levels. Still undecided if I like it or not. Clearly you could see everything, it was just the looking down versus looking straight and slightly up concept. Overall it was a glorious show. They did make a few changes this year which I was kind of disappointed with. One was the ballroom scene at the beginning of the 2nd act. The other time they had them dancing and coming down this gorgeous steps with mirrors surrounding them. This year the steps were not there. Really though, it was a glorious show and a great time with my mommie.
This portion of the weekend is called fishery due to the mass amounts of fish that were seen while going down the river. My intent was to grab one of the littles and do some kayaking. Well said little decided that he did not want to go. Instead, L took the new kayak on it's and her longest trip.
Rumor had it that there was a fish or otherwise known as a carp problem in the river. Oh boy they were not kidding. I will be saving every single person from the disgusting sights of decaying fish and the smell when you got close. While standing outside the little bro's house upon our return, we literally saw no less then one dead fish float by per minute. Here is a local news report on the little problem:
Needless to say that we are impatiently waiting the results of the carp issue and will be staying out of the water. Which means no more swagtime aka boating time until further notice. And they better figure this out soon. Because no boating, sand bar, Skalliwags time makes Dawn a very very unhappy girl.
Now on to something that made me smile and off of the dead fish no boating bitch. Kayaking with my Bullet.
Uuummm completely sitting in the wrong direction Bullet, mama can't paddle. Ok let's try this again.
Now that is much better...right up until....
He decided to balance on the front of the kayak. At this point I am completely freaked out because I know at some point someone is going in the river and I will be damned if it was me...remember the carp paragraph earlier. Bullet can swim and does have a puppy life vest on. Safety for all my kiddos. Here we are getting close to land.
and he jumped...puppy missed by a little bit and was half in the water and half out. Which meant that he got to take a bath immediately when he got home. Now will I take him out again...possibly. It would be glorious if he could be my kayaking buddie too.
It all started last year when we decided to burn a couch and be all redneck like. Then it flowed into this year. Since we had no couches to burn, it was deemed that this years little redneck party would be a chicken sampling for my mommie and daddie aka Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Day.
Yes you are seeing that correctly, there were 10 different kinds of marinated chicken. My mom and dad found some they liked. Plus I found one that I really liked that I would never think of grabbing. Oh and yes that is a wonderous dip thing you see in the corner. Hold tight for some spur of the moment aka no testing this is what happened recipe posts coming your way.
So glad he decided to use a napkin as to not mess his little white tank top.
And of course the day would not be complete without a little redneck family picture..
That my friends was the weekend that was
Monday, July 28, 2014
Marathon Monday
Holler. It is Monday and I survived my longest run ever. Whoot. 16 miles down in the books. Since I decided to get all classy and go to a broadway show on Friday evening. My long run was Friday AM. This makes total sense since I was going to have an adult beverage Friday evening...and after years of experience the number one thing I learned: do not run when you have been drinking the night before and really, really don't run when you are hungover. Smelling the booze sweating out from your pores...overrated.
Friday was a special one aside from me hitting the big number 16. I ran a completely different way then I ever had. New scenery makes the mind feel fresh. Now by new scenery I really mean different farms then what I see normally. Small town country living folks. Here meet my new people..(animals).
Stare all you want horses. I have no fence and I am running with the wind in my hair.
No country run would be complete without chickens.
Then there was the cow like starring at me rather freaky like. Which was all fun and games until he decided to run. Not at me thankfully (even with a fence there), but kind of away from me yet in the same direction. Then there were the other cows which suddenly decided to do the same thing, which means that I suddenly was kind of being chased by like 5 cows. Freaky. Note fence was still intact and no cows chased me down the road or this conversation would be changing into something along the lines of: What to do when you pooped yourself in the middle of the country after being chased by cows.
That ended my little country farm road adventure. I then ran into the next city over for a mid run hello/stop by the hubbie. Which at that point it started to rain outside. Sucked it up and went on with the journey.
Now if there was one thing I learned during the whole 4 miles I spent in the neighboring city, it is hilly, like crazy hilly. I understand why they have a great cross country team. They have no choice but to run hills everyday. And that picture above was the longest hill of them all. Suddenly the longest run ever turned into one of the hilliest too.
After that it was time for a nice run out on the marsh trail. Beautiful cool morning out there. Running on a trail versus running on a road very different. Bonus was the geese on the path decided to fly away versus attack a runner. Whoot. Dawn for the win.
And then it was back to the city. In which I had to snap the picture of the "secret" garden. Not sure whose backyard it is, but hey it is cool.
After running 16 miles, in which you were chased by cows, got rained on, possibly restrained your tendon, your legs/feet are hurting, your tired, and your motivation is dwindling the moment comes when your 16 year old teenager steps out of the door and claps and cheers for you as you run down the cul de feel like a champion and all the bad slips away.
16 miles in the books,
Friday, July 25, 2014
Friday 5 - Culture
A few years ago, ok it was actually more like 5 years ago, my mommie and I started to attend broadway shows together. It came about one day when she wanted to go see Phantom of the Opera. Of course, I am always game to check something new behold a mommie and me thing created.
Since the "tradition" started 5 years ago and it is Friday Five, time for a review of what I have seen, ate, wore, etc.
1. 2009 - Phantom of the Opera - Where our little tradition began.
Of course, I am going with the pretty pink "ballet" color. I saw the Nutcracker when I was her age. This little trip just seemed right. While I remember portions of it, it seemed even better as an adult. Let's not forget seeing the wonder, joy and aawww in my girl's eyes as things played out on the stage.
Since the "tradition" started 5 years ago and it is Friday Five, time for a review of what I have seen, ate, wore, etc.
1. 2009 - Phantom of the Opera - Where our little tradition began.
Blurry feet picture...for my mommies very first pedi.
Plus she even got her hair done.
2. 2010 - Wicked - This was a very intriguing show.
Roar Lion outside of where we ate. Growling hungry...possibly.
And the dress coloring of course was very particular to the show. Embracing the color of the wicked witch.
3. 2010 - Nutcracker - This time I was the mommie taking her (step) daughter. Ha how is that for a little twist in the action.
First up after getting all pretty was a feast at Bucca Di Beppo.
Holy Canoli.
Her very first ballet.

4. 2013 - Jersey Boys - Yep, we had to take a couple years off of the tradition since we had things going on like twins being born and a wedding. Kind of put a temporary stop to things. Back at it we went with a Rockin' Broadway play...Jersey Boys.
5. 2014 - Good things to come. Nope not the name of the broadway show. Just the vision, that as you read this I will be with my mommie attending Phantom of the Opera. Watch for the recap next week. Plus since it seems to have been awhile, she is a little older, and if the stars come into alignment, the steppie and I will be seeing her very first broadway show in November, The Lion King.
There you have my show stopping Friday. Any other suggested must see's from Broadway to add to my must see list?
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Word up
Whoot let's hear it for Wednesday, which I keep thinking it is Thursday. Which during a normal week would completely suck, but this week my Thursday actually is Friday. Happy Dance all the way.
Life has been rather busy lately. Yet that is the way things always seem to go during the summer months. Really we only usually get 3 months of glory in Wisconsin, so you need to bust the behind to get everything and anything in summer related. More often then not I find myself going I need one more day to my weekend or maybe just a few more summer weekends. Heck my creepie little chiweenie has not even managed to hack into my blog lately. Now that I think about it, I better check that. Evil little thing is probably up to something even worse.
One also cannot forget the fact that I spend two hours of my Monday thru Friday in my car driving to work. Waste of time people. I need to figure out the whole nose twitching move or get the magical Harry Potter dust to get to my locations faster. The only thing that 2 hour time period is good for is my brain thinking up five hundered other projects or things that I feel that I want or need to do.
Today on my little drive my brain was overwhelmed with this blog and what I would like to do. It was one of those, well I should try this recipe and then if it is right then get it on the blog, oh or how about a fashion post or what could I bring my reader. Then an ephiphany happened, hello I blog about our life in the sack aka cul de sac. Why does the recipe have to be right? or my clothes perfect? Or whatever I am in the process of doing perfect? Why not just bring to my readers the true shit show of our life. Like here is a recipe I am trying now and this is what happened, good or bad. Or hello let's truly talk about real life style because there really isn't anyone looking like mega gorgeous everyday (but if you do way to go sweet cheeks). Random thought finished.
Life has been rather busy lately. Yet that is the way things always seem to go during the summer months. Really we only usually get 3 months of glory in Wisconsin, so you need to bust the behind to get everything and anything in summer related. More often then not I find myself going I need one more day to my weekend or maybe just a few more summer weekends. Heck my creepie little chiweenie has not even managed to hack into my blog lately. Now that I think about it, I better check that. Evil little thing is probably up to something even worse.
One also cannot forget the fact that I spend two hours of my Monday thru Friday in my car driving to work. Waste of time people. I need to figure out the whole nose twitching move or get the magical Harry Potter dust to get to my locations faster. The only thing that 2 hour time period is good for is my brain thinking up five hundered other projects or things that I feel that I want or need to do.
Today on my little drive my brain was overwhelmed with this blog and what I would like to do. It was one of those, well I should try this recipe and then if it is right then get it on the blog, oh or how about a fashion post or what could I bring my reader. Then an ephiphany happened, hello I blog about our life in the sack aka cul de sac. Why does the recipe have to be right? or my clothes perfect? Or whatever I am in the process of doing perfect? Why not just bring to my readers the true shit show of our life. Like here is a recipe I am trying now and this is what happened, good or bad. Or hello let's truly talk about real life style because there really isn't anyone looking like mega gorgeous everyday (but if you do way to go sweet cheeks). Random thought finished.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Hoenstly I never know what to title these things. Since this weekend there was no real theme to the glory of our weekend, we will just move on. Oh, Oh I have about softball Saturday. After my run, it was off to watch the steppie in her last softball games of the season and also rec ball.
First pictures are from Thursday, but they are awesome.
Just us lonely souls...a place all of our own.
And Forest made a new friend on Sunday.
First pictures are from Thursday, but they are awesome.
As mentioned in another post, her calling a catcher.
Sadly she was out...still a fun picture from the night.
And since I kind of forgot the big girl camera at the first game, these pictures are all from the third game. You see Saturday went something fifteen miles, drive 30 minutes, watch the steppie in game 1, go shopping at the outlet mall close by, run back home, pick up my moo, and drive back 30 minutes for game 3. Holler like a rock star.
Game 3
The moo watching his cousin Gillian play. And then he even got in some exploring.
And back to the game...
Love this little picture of the hubbie and moo watching Gillian get her medal. 4th place overall for their team.
And that concluded our rec softball season. Next year it will be the adventure of the big leagues aka high school softball.
Sunday...normal plus it was house shopping weekend. Much to my delight, it is school supply season. Pretty notebooks and folders oh my. Of course I couldn't just walk right by. (little dr seuass type poem for you all). Here was my scores....cute.
Thank you shopko. And now what weekend wouldn't be complete without sometime on the water, which we finally got on Sunday.
And I found this interesting little mesh chair for pool noodles at Shopko that I had to have. You know for lounging. How does it is the Forest getting it set up. The double noodles are due to the fact we already determined that one noodle is not sufficient enough to hold an adult.
And neither are two...down he went.
Plus this a new one for you, we also discovered a new sandbar. Oh Yeah a brand new place to get our drink on. Check out this interesting truck that was left on the island. Just us lonely souls...a place all of our own.
And Forest made a new friend on Sunday.
Stay tuned for some sandbar stories of discoveries. We will be arming ourselves with bug spray in the near future for some exploration of the island. Let's just hope we find no restless natives.
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