Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday 5 - A Bucket List

An evening ago my stitchfix came.  Now my mother loves to see what I ended up getting so since she was not off wandering the country (aka setting up roots in Arizona for the winter), I had her come over.  Plus one of the items I requested was for my mommie and me Phantom of the Opera date.  Today's post was going to be my Friday five stitch fix.  Instead I felt it needed a change.  Now is this the place to share someone elses wish list, not sure.  But being that I am stubborn, I am going to share anyways.   Real love forgives all anyways....right. 

A conversation with my mother somehow became a discussion of her bucket list.  Bucket lists scare me to death since it relates to death.  Death and Dawn don't get along so well.  For that fact alone I will attempt to stay away from death for as long as possible.  Ok back on track again.  My mother shared with us her "bucket list" or things she would like to see.   Today I am going to share those with you. (love you mom)

1. Alaska

Use your imagination to see the Polar Bears dancing with the Penguins while the whales are shooting sparkly confetti from their blow holes.
2. Maine

Imagination Time:  See the little lobsters basking in the sun on the rocks just waiting for you to pick one to be served on a platter in a glorious drenching of butter.
3. Hawaii

Imagination:  You are drinking an umbrella drink while hula girls/guys are dancing on the beach for you while a volcano is providing a natural fireworks show.
4. Utah
Imagination- Let it run wild.  I have no idea what happens in Utah. I will just be sitting on the bank breathing in the fresh air.
5. Carribean Cruise

Imagination - Bask in the sun in a hammock while someone is serving up some delicious umbrella drinks and seahorses are dancing on the waves in the distance.
On this last little wish,  I have two people who I love with all of my being that want to do this.  I personally have no inclination to do this.  Being the person I am and getting joy from seeing others happiness; deep in my heart I have a feeling that I am going to make this happen.  Dear husband, since I have not had the chance to share this craziness with you yet, sorry, love me.  This woman, my mother, has given me so much in my life and put up with a mass amount of shit. I want to make this happen for her.  It is the number one thing I have heard say she has wanted to do for years now.  Aside from trying to make her proud everyday this will be the one thing I want to give to her...a moment and dream fulfilled to make her happy and her heart overflowing.

  Sharing the dreams of a woman who has given me life, and has shown me the love of exploring the world, this is my Friday Five.  Enjoy the weekend loves.

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1 comment:

  1. Found you through the link-up and love the bucket list! I have to say, I grew up in Utah, and it as stunningly gorgeous as you imagine. I hope you make it there someday!
