Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Word up

Whoot let's hear it for Wednesday, which I keep thinking it is Thursday.   Which during a normal week would completely suck, but this week my Thursday actually is Friday.  Happy Dance all the way.

Life has been rather busy lately.  Yet that is the way things always seem to go during the summer months.  Really we only usually get 3 months of glory in Wisconsin, so you need to bust the behind to get everything and anything in summer related.  More often then not I find myself going I need one more day to my weekend or maybe just a few more summer weekends.  Heck my creepie little chiweenie has not even managed to hack into my blog lately.  Now that I think about it, I better check that.  Evil little thing is probably up to something even worse.

One also cannot forget the fact that I spend two hours of my Monday thru Friday in my car driving to work.  Waste of time people.  I need to figure out the whole nose twitching move or get the magical Harry Potter dust to get to my locations faster.  The only thing that 2 hour time period is good for is my brain thinking up five hundered other projects or things that I feel that I want or need to do.

Today on my little drive my brain was overwhelmed with this blog and what I would like to do. It was one of those, well I should try this recipe and then if it is right then get it on the blog, oh or how about a fashion post or what could I bring my reader.  Then an ephiphany happened, hello I blog about our life in the sack aka cul de sac.  Why does the recipe have to be right? or my clothes perfect? Or whatever I am in the process of doing perfect?   Why not just bring to my readers the true shit show of our life.  Like here is a recipe I am trying now and this is what happened, good or bad. Or hello let's truly talk about real life style because there really isn't anyone looking like mega gorgeous everyday (but if you do way to go sweet cheeks). Random thought finished.  

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