Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Road trip...Round 2

Welcome to part 2 of our road trip from a couple weekends ago. After our extensive morning spent looking at trains why not take the kids on yet another adventure in the area.  Off to Bay Beach Amuesment park we went. 

Now let me tell you the greatest thing about Bay Beach ... tickets are a quarter and all the kiddie rides are one ticket.  Of course it is a little more for the shake, twirl, flip me upside down and make me puke adult rides.  A whole afternoon of riding in rides cost us (party of 6) $25.00.  So if you happen to be in Green Bay, Wisconsin this should be a must stop.   Sorry for the lack of adult ride pictures...they did have a scrambler, ferris wheel, larger swings, smaller roller coaster...any ways go check it out here:   Bay Beach

And what else are you going to do while waiting....take random selfies.

OK and let's not forget the cuteness of our long car ride to Green Bay
Oh my goodness sorry for over sharing on the pictures, but I am telling you in my opinion those two of the most adorable, coolest, little munchkins.   And that rounds up our little weekend excursion to Green Bay.   Bay Beach...check it out!

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