Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day out With Thomas Road Trip

What little boy doesn't love trains.   My ubberly cute nephews reached the perfect age where a Day out with Thomas seemed like a fantastic little field trip for them.  As you recall we did a little pre-work around their birthday and tok them to the Mitchell Park Domes to see Thomas.  Finding out they could actually ride on Thomas this time...extra exciting.

The railroad museum even had a section of inflatables all set up for the kids...which is extra awesome for the adults.  You could grab a seat and let the kids go crazy.   Our little moo had a seriously awesome time catching air on the bouncy slides.

Of course there was train tables....

Right along with feeble attempts to take a nice picture of two three olds in front of a train

The characters from the show also made an appearance for the kids to visit

And do you think we like pizza....I even scored a free slice from the kid...glorious.

And we ran into a little issue with the little bro's gf L....someone may have just been missing her mommie.

Thank goodness we got past that and didn't have to return her to a counter.

And then there was the number one reason why we went see and ride on Thomas the Train


If you happen to have some little boy goobers who love trains, going for a Day out with Thomas is a fantastic idea.   They will absolutely love it.   Stay tuned for more from our little day out...

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