Monday, June 30, 2014

Marathon Monday

Hello and Welcome to another episode of marathon Monday.  Clearly I survived, oh which you would know if you followed me on instagram. Let's talk running...

First and foremost, let's give a great big shout out to my brain that decided my body needed to be up at 2:30 in the AM.  Thanks a fricken lot. Took the extra time to eat a little more breakfast and of course, coffee.  Then it was out the door at 5.  This is my planned time, after all it is summer.   Run before the sun or close anyways.

Not that you can tell by any of the pictures but it was humid and hot.  Like by my first two mile point I was just like gross.  Really how anybody south of Wisconsin can run outside in summer I have no idea.  I give you a serious kudos and standing ovation.  My world was ok right up until mile 8.  Then the suckage started.  We will try to make this very brief.  The bottom of both my feet just hurt.  Every single step hurt, but you can damn well bet when I had the last 10th of a mile to go I ran my behind off.    Never with the half marathons I have done and all the training runs I have done has that ever happened.  Going to blame this on the shoes though.  These have been in rotation longer then most.  Time to shop.

With the extended mileage, I did get to see some new sites. 

 Ok alright this one wasn't really new, but the sunrise over the river is just a beautiful site.  goat farm.

The farm was not abandoned, but the only thing I could think about was a horror movie.  Since this was in the last couple miles, it may just have been a driving factor in me keeping moving.
With the holiday coming up, my training is changing (just this week).  As in I will be running, Monday, Tuesday, and a long run on Thursday plus there will be no lifting this week.  Priorities I want to have a cocktail and not have to worry about dragging my behind 14 miles somewhere that I am not familiar with.

And with that being said, I am off to buy me some new shoes and random other awesome things that will just make all my future runs rock.  Shopping must make it better, right.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday 6 - Buzzfeed

Oh Buzzfeed, how I have missed you so.  For whatever reason I have not been cruising buzzfeed as of recent. I can say though my revisit did not disappoint.  And with that I bring you my Friday 5(6) courtesy of Buzzfeed.

Things Runners Won't Tell You
My favorites:
1. Shoes really do matter. - Yes, they do I am shoes obsessed.  Right now I am currently trying to figure out the correct points to order new shoes and of course, the color.
2. You lose half your weekends to running. - Hence why I am sitting here before the crack of dawn.
3. Losing one of your toenails is a possibility. - True, happened.
4. Your running clothes smell like death - enough said

Bend and Snapchat LOL Puns

Way to many on this list to pick a fave.  Just check it out.  I was dying of laughter.

19 Signs your Sweet Tooth is out of Control
Trying not to eat a dessert that’s right in front of you requires a Herculean effort that you just DO NOT have.
and umm yeah...You become mildly panicky when you get a craving for something sweet and realize there’s nothing in the house.

 Global Beauty Standards
Wow, now this was just interesting. First people's perception of beauty across the world, amazing.  Second, amazing what they could do with photoshop.

Cards Against Humanity Combos That will make you Think Twice

I need this game, badly.  Again, just check these out you will be rolling on the floor.  Someone please start a hashtag of #crazycardsagainsthumanitycombos on instagram.

 Inspiring Thoughts to Help you Kick Ass

Since it is like 4 in the morning on the Saturday, let's start the day off right with some inspiration.  You can never have too much of that.

Enjoy your weekend

Thursday, June 26, 2014

4th of July Alert, Call to attention

4th of July is right around the corner.  Like as in approximately one week.  Which means this is your last weekend to get your shit together whether it be stuff for going out of town or plans made.

On a normal year, I would be like no big deal to the fourth and it would float by like any other day in the year.  Because seriously how can you celebrate the fourth when you have to work the next day.  Work = Buzzkill.   This year we have been granted a three day weekend.  And I made mine into a four day and managed to book a cabin in the great north woods...Holler. 

Now let me move into hyperventilation mode about getting my stuff together. 

Decoration....needs to be kind of tacky but still a little classy.
  And of course there will be a few other details aka some that I can find or come across at a moments notice.

Food...this one is proving to be more dfficult.  Try to incorporate a red, white and blue theme into every meal.
aka looks like everyone is going to be eating a lot of fruit.
Clothes...yes clothes.  In some dark region of the space between my ears I got a stupid idea to attempt to be all patriotic in the clothes department.   Have you seen what is out there??  A few items were like oh yeah cute.  Looks like I will just work with the colors versus some crazy special shirt that would only work on the fourth (maybe).
And the numero uno accessory for any bbq....

Will be making an appearance. 
Now if anyone had any ideas on any of these items, please help a girl(s) out and leave me a comment below. Note next year red, white and blue will be a white girl holding a red wine under a blue blanket recalling the sanity she inflicted on herself the year before.
Let Freedom ring...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Road trip...Round 2

Welcome to part 2 of our road trip from a couple weekends ago. After our extensive morning spent looking at trains why not take the kids on yet another adventure in the area.  Off to Bay Beach Amuesment park we went. 

Now let me tell you the greatest thing about Bay Beach ... tickets are a quarter and all the kiddie rides are one ticket.  Of course it is a little more for the shake, twirl, flip me upside down and make me puke adult rides.  A whole afternoon of riding in rides cost us (party of 6) $25.00.  So if you happen to be in Green Bay, Wisconsin this should be a must stop.   Sorry for the lack of adult ride pictures...they did have a scrambler, ferris wheel, larger swings, smaller roller coaster...any ways go check it out here:   Bay Beach

And what else are you going to do while waiting....take random selfies.

OK and let's not forget the cuteness of our long car ride to Green Bay
Oh my goodness sorry for over sharing on the pictures, but I am telling you in my opinion those two of the most adorable, coolest, little munchkins.   And that rounds up our little weekend excursion to Green Bay.   Bay Beach...check it out!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fun Festing, Feasting, and Floating

Those three words sum up our weekend in the sack rather well.  We can just ignore the amount of time it took me to figure out three words that started with "F" to describe the weekend.  Significance of "F" unless you count fun, fantastic, etc.  Now that you get the idea let's just see what happened.
Festing - Jersey Street Music Fest. This weekend was our city's little music fest. Ok maybe it is not so little.  Tons of band grace our small town. This year it was an enitire weekend of music.  Aside from the music they had food, a volleyball tournament, and kids activities too. We managed to make it down for one group.  Started raining and we opted to stay in for the rest of the day. Yet another shout out to a great organization, Horicon Phoenix group. 
The sound was a combination of blues and rock.  The singer also played a "cigar" box guitar for a few songs.  The sound from this instrument was amazing and much more powerful then one would think from such a tiny instrument.  They also did a fantastic job of entertaining the crowd.  Towards the end of the concert they were mingling and playing amongst everyone who came to see them.  Fan interaction bumps you right up on the satisfaction scale.

Feasting: Now since I hinted to the food part, let me share the glory in my belly from this weekend.
Food at the music fest - nachos and of course, cupcakes.  That red velvet cupcake was by far the best red velvet cupcake I have ever had.

This would be a pork tenderloin and peppers.  Focus on the peppers that are wrapped in bacon.  Oh and stuffed with cheese.  This is what happens when you go to the meat market.  Me: What is that?!?  Can we grill it?  You Can grill anything, right? Hubbie: Sure.  And then those peppers came home with us.  And the hubbie loved them.

Dear whatever magazine I saw these in...thank you.  This was our Sunday ice cream day.  Sunday ice cream day this week was a buffet of ubber deliciousness.   Of course we tried every single one.  Now Ben and Jerry always make a rockin' Peanut Butter, so I had to peg my favorites as a tie between the Hazed and Confused and Salted Caramel.  Next to the candies the little bro  has brought me from the drugstore, it was by far the best Salted Caramel goodness I have had to date.  I foresee myself dumping some magic shell on that.  Heaven people, just heaven.  (and these opinions are all my own, but if Ben and Jerry want to send me samples etc.  I am all in, hook me up boys).

Floating:  Come on everyone should know by now that if the weather is sunshiney that this girl wants to be in the boat on the water.

Little brother was out of town, so the hubbie and I were left to navigate all by ourselves. Plus I finally learned to drive the boat.  And the faster you go the easier it is.   We made it safely to the sandbar.

And someone has hung a dart board up out we must go on a quest for floating darts.
Swagtime also meant that the hubbie got to play with his birthday present finally.
Yeppers that is a remote control boat.   Take note how to make a happy hubbie on his birthday and many days after buy him remote control toys.  Such as boats and planes.

Next we tested how far it could go out...pretty darn far.  All the way to the little white thing...would use the official name but trying to find the spelling of that turning into being a pain. 

Of course there is the point where someone decides it is time to venture homeward and get ready for the "gasp" work week
Yes that is the Say What, WTF, already face.
There you have my little weekend of festing, feasting, and floating.  Only approx. 3 1/2 more days to go until the next one.  So for now I will just be drowning myself in leftover ice cream.
Farewell loves

Monday, June 23, 2014

Marathon Monday

 Time for my marathon Monday report out.  Taking you back to last weeks episode,  I was on the verge of changing my training plan.  4 days a week running is just too much for my old bones.  I did end up changing the plan.  Now I will be 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  Much Better.
This whole change in the running plan resulted in some longer miles for me this last Tuesday.  6 to be exact.  Surprisingly it was no problem and I didn't even watch a TV show, strange just jammed and more then likely snag out loud on the treadmill.  I would take tips, but I don't need my feelings hurt.  Thursday was a tempo run. Not bad.  And my first actual tempo run in a long time.
Saturday was a long one....9 miles this week.  Decided that I will consistently be waking at 4 in the AM to get this stuff in.  So how was the was like being in a horror movie.
Twas a cool and dreary morning as I set off on my run. Most of the world was still asleep.  A different way I took on this day.  There was a secret little garden on my path.  Hope to share a picture of this with you in the future.
Who would have known that coming up to mile 2 there would be a glare from a little gargoyle.

After that minor fright...there was once again the confirmation that a port o pottie was still on sight.

 Mile 4 found me running down the foggy desolate road.  Thankfully there were no creatures lurking as there has been on me in the past.
Mile 6 found me at abandoned home.  Well not quite it was protected by swooping, crazy little birds on the attack.  The cool fog laden air must have had all the birds a little crzy.  Crossed paths with some blue herons and their baby.  Thankfully they did not attack.  They were watching though.  Imagine the velociraptors in Jurassic Park, yeah stalking and creeping like that.  Poking their head out of the cornfield.  Creepy.

Mile 9 home I had arrived lucky to be lalive to be with my faithful little shit monkey all by my side.  And there you have ladies and gents, the story of how my long run went.
Until next week...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Face Fall Friday Five

Face Fall??  Yep, it was when you are to the point of complete and utter exhaustion that you just want to fall on your face and take a nice long sleep.  Is this word combination seriously a thing, no idea if it was before but it is now.

Face Fall. For some reason today after waking up from a normal night of slumber, I am completely exhausted. This night of slumber graced me with an additional 30 minutes of sleep in the AM (yay for rest days) by the way, which just adds to the mystery of why I am tired, pooped, exhausted, and feeling like I need a blankie.  May the stars align at some point this weekend to grace me with a nice restful night of 8-10 hours of zzzz's. 

For now though let's do Face Fall Friday Five aka the things I seriously wish that I had right now:

1. Quiet and my Bed with this nice little reminder Sign hanging about.
One day I will either purchase one of these or make one.  I love this saying.  I foresee something with more length (vs. width) and a few mountains.   People advertise these for childrens rooms...I say put it in mine.  Like a nice warning as to not wake me so one will not get an arm possibly chewed off.
2. Down pillow - Since I would be laying in my bed, of course I would need my pillow.  I adore my pillow.  Probably spent a little too much on it, but hello sleeptime is precious.   Bonus was that The Company Store is a Wisconsin based company.  Keeping it local(ish).

3. Linen Spray - Spritzing this on the bed just before sleepytime helps me calm myself.  Probably don't "need" it today...still smells pretty though.

4. and 5.   Sleepytime wouldn't be the same without my woobies and puppies taking up half my space of the bed.
And I get to keep the blankets for the dogs would be so exhausted too that they could not get up to bark and the slightest noise in the house, outside, or in their brain.  Plus no chasing bunnies in their dreams and running in their sleep.

That took way more energy today then I felt using up today.  Still sleepy.   Think that everyone needs to band together to bring the siesta tradition to the US.   Lunch and Nap has to be win, who's in?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Time for a little link up with Helene and Sarah.   Time to get social.  This week we are talking about our 9-5.

What I do with my day?  Basically my day is like a babysitting job.  I have to watch over approx. 2000 pieces of equipment across the United States at over 50 locations.  On a normal day it wouldn't be too bad except that my kids have wheels on them and fit nicely into a semi-trailer.  Meet the kids or close replicas of them....
In my job I deal with all aspects of the acquisition, moving, and retirement of equipment while ensuring that our suppliers and plants are playing their correct roles in the process (nicely).  It is a pretty crazy job to have.  It really gets fun when they give you a 5 million dollar piggy bank.  Suddenly you have tons of friends because everybody wants a shiney new toy to grace their dock.   And what girl doesn't like to spend some money.
That is what I do all day...I like to think of it as a logic problem or a puzzle where the pieces are actually moving and changing while you are trying to put it together.  Challenging and fun.
What do you do with your 9 to 5?

Venus Trapped in Mars