Sunday, February 23, 2014

Give some cheers for 3 Years

Today is a very special day in the sack.  Three years ago today our world was changed forever.  On this day my little brother reaffirmed why I should not have done some major harm to him when we were children and let him continue to enjoy his days.  Three years ago I became an aunt to two of the most adorable amazing boys I know. 

I will never forget the first time I held you.  You were both so tiny. My fiirst thoughts: Cooper you were such a tiny peanut, fragile and dear.  Moo sad to say my frst thought was that: this one might be evil let's make sure the good I feel in him shines thru.  That love I felt that day and continue to for you two will never change.

Yes, Moo he is here to stay.  Love thy brother.

The first year flew by so fast.  Watching you become more and more like little people.  Watching you start to sit up, crawl and begin your exploration of the world.

Year two I just have no words for.  Everyday watching you grow more and more. Seeing your personality develop and shine thru. Starting to talk.

Here we are 3 years. Morgan over the years you have given us an endless supply of silly faces.  Cooper you have snuggle bugged like no other. You are each coming into being who you are.  Two amazing little boys who have a whole world to explore.  I could never imagine what my life would be like without you. If I could give you the world I would, for now though you have my heart and soul.  With love your auntie Dawn.

Happy Birthday to our Moo and super Cooper

1 comment:

  1. Aww they're just so cute! I bet they'll love looking back on this when they can read!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts
