Monday, February 24, 2014

Celebrate Good Times

Come on let's celebrate!  Talk about a weekend of celebrations or events.  Friday evening we had the glorious annual tax appointment.   I relate this to a woman's annual appointment with the OB/Gyn.   You know kind of painful and something that has to get done.  At least with the tax appointment there is the possibility of cash in your pocket when all is said and done.  After that was all over with it was time for the hubbie and I to indulge in some mexican food.   And of course, tequila.  Which was beneficial since it was the monthly trip to Walmart.  This is another painful experience for me.  Sorry folks. Not a Walmart lover.   Very surprised at the lack of crazies that were gracing the Walmart on Friday evening. Celebrating that all that shit is done.

Saturday.  Did some errands and got tires on the new beater car that is gracing the sack. And had to get all of "Sunday" stuff done on Saturday. Then Saturday night was Winterfest for the Forest.  And you know what that means bring on some pictures...
The flower shop in our town does an amazing job with the flowers.

The lovely couple.

Sunday...Some very special boys turned three years old.  The whole day was about celebrating them. If you saw my instagram, you had the chance to see the mess of the large present wrapping....difficult.

The adults liked the hat more then the kids

The boys were all about the mass amount of balloons.
After the opening we were off to explore the domes for the day.

First up was the tropical dome.

Some random little boy who was not having a good day that my son took a picture of.

After the tropical dome, we headed to the special exhibit dome.  Which during this time of year is the garden train exhibit.

These two boys could have watched these for hours.

Now this lizard, who we are assuming lived in the desert dome (which was closed), was amazingly fast.  And we also got to watch a turtle eat a worm.
 Sorry these were just creepy.  Needed to share.

And now to take a picture with your teenager.
Have someone else take the picture while he is not looking.  And sneak up.

See he still is clueless here.

And he busted me.

And they had a Jelly Belly vending machine...score.

After the domes it was off to experience the pizza place called Organ Piper Pizza.
Sadly the picture did not turn out well of the actual organ.  One wall is an old school organ.  When it is played there are various items on the wall that move around or make noises.  Ducks, there is a doll that spins, a flag that lowers from the ceiling, strobe lights...tons of things.

 Got exactly what they wanted...
 and a DONKEY

 Then back at home we had to open up some more presents from Grandma and Grandpa

 And of course have some cake

Now at some point the hubbie thought it would be a good idea to tie the balloon to the dog.  Since it didn't appear to phase Bullet all that much....

It was onto the Chiweenie. Since he is the biggest chicken in the world this completely freaked him out.   When one didn't even lift him an inch...we tried two.
 Think Charlie figured out at this point or possible heard the conversation of how many balloons would it take to make him float...hence the evil eye to dad.
And there you have a whole entire weekend of celebrations, fun and family.  Thank goodness it is Monday, I definetly needed a break.

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