Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Well Hello...

Hello my little setion of cyberspace.  Sorry for the neglect that you have received as of recent.   Where was I you ask?   On a little vacation in which I completely crashed my parents pad.  No need to fret there will be more to come on this excurision.  Just hold onto your britches.  Let's proceed first with a little beauty...

Now before I left I signed up for this...

I am so excited for this swap.  My glorious partner is Miranda from Miranda Writes.  While I sit here freezing my tushy off, she spends her time in glorious Florida.  I might just be slightly jealous.  So anyways while I was doing my due diligence of blog stalking, I found an "If I were" thing over at her blog.  Couldn't resist stealing/borrowing her version since it helped me get to know her better. Oh and I completely love filling these things out.  Here are my answers:

If I were...

...a month, I would be October.
...a day of the week, I would be Saturday.
...a time of day, I would be daybreak (ha kind of goes with my name).
...a planet, I would be Earth.
...a sea animal, I would be a sea turtle.
...a direction, I would be West.
...a piece of furniture, I would be a big cozy reading chair.
...a liquid, I would be water.
...a gemstone, I would be an emerald.
...a tree, I would be an oak.
...a tool, I would be a level.
...a flower, I would be an alstromeria.
...a kind of weather, I would be sunny with a high of 75.
...a musical instrument, I would be a piccolo.
...a color, I would be reddish purple.
...an emotion, I would be love.
...a fruit, I would be a grape.
...a sound, I would be the sound of the leaves when there is a slight breeze in the night or the sound of a slight wave on the shore.
...an element, I would be fire.
...a car, I would be a jeep .
...a food, I would be ramen noodles.
...a place, I would be home.
...a material, I would be cotton.
...a taste, I would taste like cranberry and lime.
...a scent, I would smell like minty lemon.
...an animal, I would be a cardinal.
...an object, I would be a suncatcher .
...a body part, I would be the eyes.
...a facial expression, I would be happiness.
...a pair of shoes, I would be. flippie floppies
And there you have it a little insight in the wonderful world of me.  For those of us northern girls, stay warm.  For the southern girls please send some warmth our way, please.

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