Let's get this little Friday started with some rock-n-roll, shall we...
Oh yeah a little Aerosmith "Back in the Saddle". Because really this has been my overall feeling regarding my "fitness" since the start of January. It has felt beyond great to be back into the groove. While taking the time off over the holidays gave my body a well needed rest it also caused me to realize that my body needs to be active. When I am not active, I get crabbie(r) and sick. Let's see what is that other song again...
True. There ain't no rest for wicked. Now time to take a look at how the month actually went.
The very first weekend of the month found me heading over to the a local fitness center to try out some classes. I discovered that they were awesome and I may want to give them a try one day. The key problem is the drive from where I work to there in the winter. So once it thaws out I am in. Until then though, I picked up a couple dvd's to work with at home.
With one, I figured if Jillian was on the cover there couldn't be any fluff to it. We shall see folks. These will be one of my goals for February to incorporate them during the week.
Week 1 - This was the back in the groove week. Real basic: 2 strength days and 2 run days. I can say though when I opened my locker it was like lights came on and things started to sing. Back to normal showering, which would be at work in flippie floppies.
Week 2 - Start of the "official" training week for the half. 2 strength days and 3 run days these week. Now let's talk about the first weekend run of the season. In my infinite wisdom decided to do that run outdoors on one of the coldest days of the year. It was bitter cold, yet I still managed to over dress myself yet again. My clothing of choice: ski pants over tights, long sleeve under armour under a fleece lined 3/4 zip, then a windbreaking jacket with fleece mittens and a winter hat. Let me give you another song to sum this up:
Then come on let's get off your asses and shovel your sidewalks people. It is hard enough running on an ice rink where the sun did not melt the plowed snow but running through drifts that hit mid-calf sucks huge. I might as well have been running thru a mud pit.
Week 3 - Nothing real strange or special here basically the same as the week prior. Long run was done this week on the treadmill due to some obligations I had on Saturday.
But the long run looked good for a treadmill run. When I do my long runs on the treadmill I try to pace them about 5-10 seconds slower then my goal race pace. I figure if I am not having the extra work of being outside I might as well push it a little bit.And then there was this week aka Week 4: 2 strength days and 3 run days. Except this week my furry kids decided that they wanted to be little pains in our asses and not allow us full nights of sleep. I can say that made the runs a lot crappier. I am soo looking forward to sleeping in this weekend. Aside from me rambling about the fact that I think I was sleep running on the treadmill, I also had a speedwork mixed in where you ran 9 min 30 sec with a 30 sec pick up. It 'was the start of the speed training incorporation. It went well, almost to well so next week I will push the envelope a little more. This morning was 9 miles for the win. Extra bonus was squeezing in two episodes of "House of Lies".
Everything seems to be going according to plan for the next half and I am staying on track towards my goals. This will be a monthly check in for me now. Feel free to play along, comments, questions, or anything. Now get out there and go get it! Happy Friday!