Friday, January 30, 2015

Back in the saddle again

Let's get this little Friday started with some rock-n-roll, shall we...
Oh yeah a little Aerosmith "Back in the Saddle".  Because really this has been my overall feeling regarding my "fitness" since the start of January.  It has felt beyond great to be back into the groove.  While taking the time off over the holidays gave my body a well needed rest it also caused me to realize that my body needs to be active.  When I am not active, I get crabbie(r) and sick.  Let's see what is that other song again...
True.  There ain't no rest for wicked. Now time to take a look at how the month actually went.
The very first weekend of the month found me heading over to the a local fitness center to try out some classes.  I discovered that they were awesome and I may want to give them a try one day.  The key problem is the drive from where I work to there in the winter.  So once it thaws out I am in.  Until then though, I picked up a couple dvd's to work with at home.
With one, I figured if Jillian was on the cover there couldn't be any fluff to it.  We shall see folks.  These will be one of my goals for February to incorporate them during the week.

Week 1 - This was the back in the groove week.  Real basic: 2 strength days and 2 run days.  I can say though when I opened my locker it was like lights came on and things started to sing. Back to normal showering, which would be at work in flippie floppies.

Week 2 - Start of the "official" training week for the half.   2 strength days and 3 run days these week. Now let's talk about the first weekend run of the season. In my infinite wisdom decided to do that run outdoors on one of the coldest days of the year. It was bitter cold, yet I still managed to over dress myself yet again. My clothing of choice: ski pants over tights, long sleeve under armour under a fleece lined 3/4 zip, then a windbreaking jacket with fleece mittens and a winter hat.  Let me give you another song to sum this up:
Then come on let's get off your asses and shovel your sidewalks people.  It is hard enough running on an ice rink where the sun did not melt the plowed snow but running through drifts that hit mid-calf sucks huge.  I might as well have been running thru a mud pit.
Week 3 - Nothing real strange or special here basically the same as the week prior.  Long run was done this week on the treadmill due to some obligations I had on Saturday.
But the long run looked good for a treadmill run.  When I do my long runs on the treadmill I try to pace them about 5-10 seconds slower then my goal race pace.  I figure if I am not having the extra work of being outside I might as well push it a little bit.

And then there was this week aka Week 4:  2 strength days and 3 run days.  Except this week my furry kids decided that they wanted to be little pains in our asses and not allow us full nights of sleep.  I can say that made the runs a lot crappier.  I am soo looking forward to sleeping in this weekend.   Aside from me rambling about the fact that I think I was sleep running on the treadmill, I also had a speedwork mixed in where you ran 9 min 30 sec with a 30 sec pick up.   It 'was the start of the speed training incorporation.  It went well, almost to well so next week I will push the envelope a little more.  This morning was 9 miles for the win.  Extra bonus was squeezing in two episodes of "House of Lies".

Everything seems to be going according to plan for the next half and I am staying on track towards my goals.  This will be a monthly check in for me now.  Feel free to play along, comments, questions, or anything.   Now get out there and go get it!  Happy Friday!


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Love Language

With February right around the corner it only seemed approriate for me to use this weeks 12x30 challenge post for my love language.  Note that this was also a super secret hint to you people to start thinking about those Valentines day plans and get some reservations made.   I am kind of thanking my lucky stars we don't really celebrate nor exchange gifts for this holiday.  And now the results...

Acts of Service

Acts of Service

Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an "Acts of Service" person will speak volumes. The words he or she most want to hear: "Let me do that for you." Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don't matter. Finding ways to serve speaks volumes to the recipient of these acts.
Quality Time

Quality Time

In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, "I love you," like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there – with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby – makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful. Quality Time also means sharing quality conversation and quality activities.
Receiving Gifts

Receiving Gifts

Don't mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous – so would the absence of everyday gestures. Gifts are visual representations of love and are treasured greatly.

And I got those three little items almost equally.  My overall feelings towards them, they are pretty spot on. Since I believe in doing things for others, ensuring I spend quality time with everyone, and love thoughtfulness of gift giving.  The gift giving one is probably the highest of the three.  There is just something about a gift that is given to someone when you can tell that they know you and put effort into it or vice versa.  I seriously love getting fun gifts that people love too.

Now there you have my love languages....what re yours? Click here to find out.

Then go get off those rears get your V-Day shopping done, reservations made or anything else that to make it special.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Stitch Fixery #10

Been quite sometime since I was able to get one of these little things a moving.   The fix actually came in towards the beginning of November ( I think).  Ok yes way to long since I have been able to get this going.

And once again Jessica completely hit this one out of the park.

1. Brentwood Jersey Stripe Tiered Top - First I was kind of hesitant about keeping this, but the hubbie loved it.  So of course then it had to stay.  Turns out though it was a good idea.  The material is super soft. I dressed it up and have worn it to dinner with some black skinnies and heels plus it easily dresses down too.

2. Analisa Twisted Seam Pull-Over Sweater and Denna Colored Skinny Jean - Hello sweater weather, I was completely in need of some super comfy yet stylish sweaters for the fall and winter.  Then those jeans, this would be my very first pair of colored denim.  I was unsure at first, but now I find myself wearing them quite often.  Where I wore: out for breakfast, the mall, hello.

3. Lanna Boat Neck Sweater - Another welcome addition for fall and winter.  Absolutely loved the color of this sweater. Where I wore:  errand running and work

4. Layla Twin Stripe and Elbow Patch Cardigan - Again, what can I say except loved it.  This was my very first striped cardigan that would be added to my wardrobe.  Where I wore:  lounging and errand running.
Since my update of my sizes and making sure I have been very detailed about my loves and hates, I have had some amazing fixes.  Jessica, my stylist, is amazeballs.  My next fix will be arriving today.  I could not be more excited and hope that my girl Jessica hooked me up with some glory again this time.

Now the famous last words, if you haven't tried it....go do it already.  Here are the details on how you can get in on the action.

Stitch Fix
If you are unaware what it is, here are some details. Go online here: Stitchfix. Fill out a style profile, pay $20 to have the sylist pick out and send you clothes. Once you receive them you have three days to choose which ones you will keep and which ones you will return. You make notes online also regarding what you liked or didn't like to help out the stylist on your next fix.
Now this girl, will just be sitting on the porch waiting for my next little box of glory to arrive.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend...that was

Happy Monday.  Thank goodness it is final here.  Last week found us at our wits end.  The furry kids were a major handful.
Saturday morning I got to have breakfast with my fave two littles. Plus we had one of the greatest cereals known to man...cinnamon toast crunch, holler.
After a little breakfast, we indulged in a fierce game of hide and seek.  Let it be known though, when you have a rocking spot for hiding, are hiding and no longer here any noise coming from the movement of someone....

he may have just decided he would rather watch the TV versus find you and his brother. My moo.
Saturday afternoon found us getting the house shopping done.  The best and worst of this was the fact that it was done at Target this month.  Evil, that place is evil in all of the glories of evil.  Some of my finds...
a step stool aka solution to short girl problems.  No more dragging a kitchen chair into the kitchen, climbing on the counters, or screaming for help when I need to get something on the top shelves.  We also discovered this is excellent for when littles want to help clean up after Sunday dinner.

A new toy for the puppies or basically just Bullet.  My little fluff-a-muffin doesn't grace the blog to often because he is a crabbie old man who hates having his picture taken.  Back to the toy, look very close and you will see he has two objects in his mouth.  The one barely seen was the bee that was in the middle of the ball.  It took him a whole 5 minutes to get it out.

A toy for the littles.  We put this together on Sunday and it was interesting.  Think our table is uneven because the marbles always seemed to be coming out of the same spot.

Kitchen decorations.  We saw both of these and fell in love.  And there were some awesome bowls too....the hubbie and I have came to the conclusion that we both love bowls that are interesting.
After all of that Target love, we hit Applebees for some mid-day cocktails and appetizers.  This is the greatest thing to do when out shopping.  Then it was off to the mall in hopes of finding a few more things.
I ended up with the above.  It completely screams summer lounge comfort.  Now summer can come so I can try this out.
After all of that you would think that would be the end...ummm no.  Rockstars people, live like a rockstar.  Saturday evening found us at the local bar for some burgers and watching a little Spell Yeah Competition.
This year they "dumbed" down the words a bit. I was still taken though by some of the words that people could not spell.  This year we did not stay until the end, but rumor had it that the same team won again this year.  Think the hubbie maybe contemplating entering a team next year.
Late Saturday evening we watched, "The Interview".  Sorry, not sorry and not a fan.  It was ok.  With that being said I almost feel as if Sony made up the hype to get people more interested in it. shopping, cleaning, started on the clean out of the pantry and then did some meal/clothes prep for the week.  I am seriously excited I was able to do some meal prep for the week versus eating in our café.  Today I get to have a salmon salad for lunch yay.  And on the pantry clean out, did you know spices actually expire?  Yeah, this girl didn't.  The hubbie thinks the cabinet looks bare and I think it is glorious.
Sunday evening brought family dinner time...and the littles were hyper as could be plus the ava monster came along.  Ava monster totally wore out little man, which equals a major amount of awesomeness since we slept fantastical last night.
Goodness these two little goobers are the world greatest silly bomb.
Hope everyone had a productive crazy awesome weekend.  Now let's get this week started.

Friday, January 23, 2015

10 Photos that Make me Happy - 12X30 Challenge

One of the blogging prompts for the 12x30 challenge was to share 10 photos that make you happy.  Well now if you know me, you know I take way to many photos...and there is truly not a single one that doesn't make me happy (unless it contains an ex or someone who is currently on a shitlist, I mean hello).  Now some of these may look familiar and some not so much...let's take a look.
My Bullet in all his cuteness.  One day you will see me going down the road with my head out the window trying to figure out what all the bark is about.

Yes, Bullet is pretty much up for anything and yes we were sledding down a small hill here. 
The day my son was born.  One of the greatest days of my life.

Our first 5k together

Yeah...I just love this picture of us.

My little bro and the boys...this one makes me smile because it shows off their personalities so well. Funny brother, Cooper being all lovey and my Moo being "strong willed."
One word:  Disneyworld

The first time my son put his feet in the Atlantic ocean.  This was also the day he forgot about the phone in the pocket and was the only "crazy" person in the ocean.  Guess 60 was a little too cool for the locals.
My brother just being awesome with my son aka his nephew.  Should have seen it right there that he would be a great dad someday.

Forest, my mom and grandma with me, of course.  Seeing a picture with all of us together makes me happy.  I miss my grandma.
Since I actually don't have wedding or weird reception pictures saved anywhere this will have to do...its us and what is to not love about that.
And this one sandbar chilling.  What is to not love about boating and having a steppie, my adventure girl, who shares some of my crazy.
And there you have a select few pictures from the archives and otherwise that make me happy...
Have a lovely weekend

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Weiner Wisdowm - So Fancy

Hello, it is I, Chuck the great Chiweenie. As you recall, or if you don't click right here, my little epiphany about my mommie thinking that I would be a glorious little puppie model, I thought it was due time to update everyone with my go to outfits for winter.  It is very frigid in Wisconsin and it is important to ensure one is warm.  Plus one must not forget that last Wednesday, January 14th was:

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

It's National Dress Up Your Pet Day! Does your pet have an impeccable sense of style? Today is the perfect opportunity to break out the bejeweled collars, sassy sweaters, and fashion accessories.
A Weimaraner named Man Ray is arguably the most famous dressed-up pet in American history. In the 1970s he collaborated with his owner, photographer William Wegman, to produce a collection of internationally acclaimed portraits.
Now speaking of staying warm and much to my dismay, I had to recruit my puppy brother Little Man to help with said fashion post.  It turns out that my master plan of staying warm by increasing my food content has contributed to a little more fluff then I had initially anticipated.  No worries my mommie has said placed me on a strict caloric intake to ensure that I will once again become a lean, mean, little chiweenie.
Let's begin shall we...with it being winter and the possibility of being snowed in stylish pajamas are a necessity
I prefer to wear ones with a collar for that extra coverage.  Notice that when it comes to pajamas it is important to have back legs also for extra coverage.

Here we have little man showing off the butt flap still.  This comes in handy when you need that little extra butt scratch for your humans or if the pajamas are getting you a little to warm, you just open the flap and feel the breeze.
Speaking of staying warm...winter does mean sweater weather.

Here I am sporting one of my favorite winter sweaters. May look familiar I have featured this in the original, branching out post. Not only does it have a glorious pattern on but it has....

a hood.  Most of ones heat is lost thru there head so a hood is a very important feature in Wisconsin.  Hats just do not stay well on us puppies.  Those humans just can not get the ear holes correct nor are the under muzzle straps comfortable by any means.
When the weather turns slightly warmer one can get away with wearing a hooded sweater.

Another option shown above is one with a scarf.  Not only does the scarf ensure that there is proper neck also serves as entertainment purposes plus unlike your tail when you chase the tassel it is more likely that you will catch that.

Of course let's not forget to make sure we are prepared for the superbowl.  When you don't have a team jersey or refuse to buy one since your team f'd up and you cannot commit to either team in the superbowl, you can still be stylish in the football sweater.
There you have the basic must have items for any puppie winter wardrobe.  Now onto the possibility of Chuck wear.  My mommie was rocking this sweater the other day...

Oh yes what do you think?  Close but not really.
We will need to launch our very own chuck wear line since clearly finding an item that shines with all my handsomeness in the store is yet to be found.
What do you think?  Any other relevant life information that I could gather for you?   Until we meet again my chuck lovers...