Friday, January 16, 2015

Mastermind - INTJ

Linked up with Kenzie this month for the 12x30 challenge Love Yourself. One of the suggestions she gave for a post idea was the Myers Briggs personality test.  I have done these before and find them rather intriguing.  It is interesting to see if they are truly spot on or not.  After taking the test, I am a "unicorn" or an INTJ personality.

A rarity or so they say, INTJ's make up only 2% of the population and woman INTJ's only .8%.  Here is the description from Myers Briggs:


Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance - for themselves and others.

Introverted (I)    Intuition (N)   Thinking (Y)   Judging (J)

 Now let's see what 16 Personalities website has to say...

Strengths:  Quick, Imaginative and Strategic Mind, High Self-Confidence, Independent and Decisive, Hard-working and determined, Open-minded, Jacks-of-all-Trades

Weaknesses: Arrogant, Judgmental Overly analytical, Loathe highly structured environments, Clueless in romance

As I read thru the sections related to my INJT personality, it was scary how spot on it was. In the way that I think and deal with relationships being the lack of emotions and usage of logic instead basically due to the fear of emotions being a weakness. Romance is considered a pre-calculated plan. Finding a compatible partner is difficult, aka someone who would put up with our shit. Truth and morality is key with open and honest communication. I will always do what I think is right even if it comes across as cold.  Difficult to get to know in friendships. I look for an intellectual soul mate. Have tendencies to shield emotions and be straight forward. In my career, I enjoy progress and evolution. Look for strategic type positions that are low profile, but influential roles.

And aside from all that seriousness and to help you understand even further here are a  few little pictures regarding the glory of being an INTJ:


At the end of the day though....
for the win!
Now what are you like?
Have a lovely weekend.

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