Let's just go over for the 500th time why I need my weekend to be three days and not two. Because I said so, that is why. Now if it was Little Man he would just be like I am staying home...why because Little Man don't care. As we can see this being illustrated in the photo below, when he thought it would be appropriate to...

stand on the coffee table. Why? Because Little Man don't care. Mommie was eating a beef stick and he "needed" it. Little Man don't care.
Now since the rest of the weekend really wasn't focused on Little Man either he really doesn't care, but since someone out there does here is what happened with the rest of it.
Saturday morning watching the littles exploring little nooks and crannies in the new toy they have.
Then I braved the winter weather for a run. And of course, turns out that once again I overdressed. Yes, overdressed and it was 10 degrees with a windchill of -15. At some point we shall have a whole different conversation regarding said training run.
The evening was dedicated to a seafood feast.
Sunday was spent doing the normal and also accomplishing one of my organizational goals. Let's just say my kitchen cabinets be mighty tidy. More to come on this also...lots of cliff hangers going on this week.
Our evening of course was family dinner day with a new experimental recipe. Not bad but not stellar on the recipe either.
Two of my favorite humans hanging out on Cornholio. and there you have the weekend that was even if Little Man just don't care.
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