Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend...that was

Happy Monday.  Thank goodness it is final here.  Last week found us at our wits end.  The furry kids were a major handful.
Saturday morning I got to have breakfast with my fave two littles. Plus we had one of the greatest cereals known to man...cinnamon toast crunch, holler.
After a little breakfast, we indulged in a fierce game of hide and seek.  Let it be known though, when you have a rocking spot for hiding, are hiding and no longer here any noise coming from the movement of someone....

he may have just decided he would rather watch the TV versus find you and his brother. My moo.
Saturday afternoon found us getting the house shopping done.  The best and worst of this was the fact that it was done at Target this month.  Evil, that place is evil in all of the glories of evil.  Some of my finds...
a step stool aka solution to short girl problems.  No more dragging a kitchen chair into the kitchen, climbing on the counters, or screaming for help when I need to get something on the top shelves.  We also discovered this is excellent for when littles want to help clean up after Sunday dinner.

A new toy for the puppies or basically just Bullet.  My little fluff-a-muffin doesn't grace the blog to often because he is a crabbie old man who hates having his picture taken.  Back to the toy, look very close and you will see he has two objects in his mouth.  The one barely seen was the bee that was in the middle of the ball.  It took him a whole 5 minutes to get it out.

A toy for the littles.  We put this together on Sunday and it was interesting.  Think our table is uneven because the marbles always seemed to be coming out of the same spot.

Kitchen decorations.  We saw both of these and fell in love.  And there were some awesome bowls too....the hubbie and I have came to the conclusion that we both love bowls that are interesting.
After all of that Target love, we hit Applebees for some mid-day cocktails and appetizers.  This is the greatest thing to do when out shopping.  Then it was off to the mall in hopes of finding a few more things.
I ended up with the above.  It completely screams summer lounge comfort.  Now summer can come so I can try this out.
After all of that you would think that would be the end...ummm no.  Rockstars people, live like a rockstar.  Saturday evening found us at the local bar for some burgers and watching a little Spell Yeah Competition.
This year they "dumbed" down the words a bit. I was still taken though by some of the words that people could not spell.  This year we did not stay until the end, but rumor had it that the same team won again this year.  Think the hubbie maybe contemplating entering a team next year.
Late Saturday evening we watched, "The Interview".  Sorry, not sorry and not a fan.  It was ok.  With that being said I almost feel as if Sony made up the hype to get people more interested in it. shopping, cleaning, started on the clean out of the pantry and then did some meal/clothes prep for the week.  I am seriously excited I was able to do some meal prep for the week versus eating in our café.  Today I get to have a salmon salad for lunch yay.  And on the pantry clean out, did you know spices actually expire?  Yeah, this girl didn't.  The hubbie thinks the cabinet looks bare and I think it is glorious.
Sunday evening brought family dinner time...and the littles were hyper as could be plus the ava monster came along.  Ava monster totally wore out little man, which equals a major amount of awesomeness since we slept fantastical last night.
Goodness these two little goobers are the world greatest silly bomb.
Hope everyone had a productive crazy awesome weekend.  Now let's get this week started.

1 comment:

  1. I love that clock! Great job on the food prep. I laid my clothes out for the week! Hurrah!
