Thursday, January 8, 2015

Choose Your Own Adventure Goal Challenge: December Simplify Results and January Hopes

Now December's theme was SIMPLIFY.  My Goals were:

1. Utensil Simplification: Also known as there is way to much shit in this drawer it won't close, why do we need 10 spoons, 2 can openers etc. Our mission will be to pull everything out, what we use gets to go back to the drawer.

First, I pulled everything out. We seriously discovered a few items that we never knew we had.

These are the first round of goodbyes.

Love items or items that we can not live without went back to the drawer.  The others in a Tupperware tub.  If we looked or used them, then we put back in the drawer

And here is the drawer as of yesterday.  Even though it is not super pretty...I can find most of my stuff and easily shut or open the drawer.  Now one of these days I will break down and get an organizer.

2. Planner Simplification: Basically I was using way to many calendars or places for notes between work and home.  This year it will be funneled into one maybe two locations.  I am seriously freaking out about this also...since I will be working with a whole new planner with a different style. -

BASIC WIN - The original planner I was going to use kind of turned into a fail.  Maybe because I am kind of set in my ways.   The original planner will become at work planner and then there will be one home planner.  Stay tuned for a more detailed post on the planners.

3. Weekly Simplification:   To make my week simpler, work hard to get everything (clothes, food etc) together and ready to go on Sunday.

WIN - This has been going fantastical for me.  I love that I am not standing in front of my closet every morning with a dazed look on my face about what to wear nor carrying a lunch bag everyday.  This prep seriously saved about 10-15 minutes for me every morning.
Very simply every Sunday night when I put away the wash, I pick out my clothes for the week and hang them on the towel bar in the bathroom.  Then I just toss everything in the gym bag in the morning.
For once I feel like I kicked some butt in this months challenge.
Now onto next month....which theme is COMPLETE.
What I will be completing, will be:
1. A book - Hoping if I put this on here it will happen since I appear to be slacking in the reading department
2. Arizona Vacation Collage
3. Yearly Photo Books - These so have to get done.  2013 is close and 2014 is not even started.  Now mind you that in 2015 I intend to give attention to my book monthly and not the wholly shit it is the end of the year I need to get a photo book done.
There you hop on over to Steph's blog and join in.

Life According to Steph



  1. I love the laying of the clothes out for the entire week. I do it the night before right now, but I might take a page out of your book on this one!

    I did a utensil clean out last year. Anything I thought I wasn't using went down to the basement. They have a full 12 months before they get tossed if I don't go down to retrieve them.

    Great job! Thanks for linking up.

  2. I pick out my clothes for the week too, it saves so much time.
    Kitchen stuff multiplies, I swear. I was shocked how much I had crammed in there.
    Good luck in January!

  3. I love the idea of doing a year book. If I took enough photos I definitely would make one. I'm glad to see you linking up with us!

  4. Ugh--- I should tackle my utensil drawer. I keep the strangest things! I swear I have four types of vegetable peelers and thingamabobs. Good luck with your goals!! Especially the reading. I have literally offered to babysit people's children in order to give them reading time. :)
