Monday, January 5, 2015

Hello New Year

Alrighty since we got the whole where are little family will be going in the new year, now let's move on to what actually went down in the sack over the holiday.  Above would be my little man and I attempting to make it until midnight.  Clearly, he did not.  The fact he was all snuggly and not being crazy was a win.
Since the whole crew was coming for our New Years eve, we decided to open the last of the Christmas gifts.  Heck to the yeah get it done.  Here are a few snippets
Oh yes that girl loves her pickles.

With it being a new year, it meant that it was time to pick the pictures that will be gracing the wall for the next plus set our new year goals or memories to be made. 

It was a lot more fun this year since we had more people over to place the vote.  Some people may not have been happy with the winners, but you know how it goes majority rules. And we did something we never have done on new years in the sack before...

Lit off a few fireworks.  Hey what else are you suppose to do with leftover fireworks from the fourth of July.
 Friday evening found us trying out a new restaurant for our Christmas dinner.  It is called the Blew Inn.
Yes there were various interesting items that graced the walls to say the least.  Somewhere in the depths of the phones there maybe a selfie with this little raccoon that was creeping on our table the whole night.  I guess though if I saw someone eating steak, lobster, and shrimp I would have been creeping too. 
Saturday found the steppie and myself trying out some fitness classes at the gym one town over.  I loved that they did a try out day.  The classes we tried and our thoughts:
Ballet Barre:  Loved this class and completely worked a whole new set of muscles.  I will be signing up for this soon.
Gentle Yoga:  I have done yoga before so there were no suprises.
Hang Tough - This class used something similar to a TRX system.  Work out level intense.  Not sure if I am ready for this yet, but could see myself trying this in the future.
After all of that...the rest of the weekend looked pretty much like this....
Aside from the fact that I finally got my sidebar updated on the blog. Which I am absolutely in love with.
From my family to yours....


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