Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weiner Wisdom - Easter Survival

Hello, it is I Chuck the Chiweenie.  I am here to say that I have survived the Easter holiday. 

There was a very brief moment in which I heard mommie mention putting bunny ears on me.  This was very scary since I fear that my puppie brother will confuse me with a real bunny and try eviserate me.  Or is the destruction of me, the gentle chieweenie, his plan to take over the household.  Silly, silly jack russell that shall never happen.  Now I can say that my mommie did put some bunny ears on me....
Thankfully the bunny ears were electronic.  There would be no way my evil puppy brother could shed me to pieces electronically.  He may make a futal attempt to pee on the picture.  That would get him into a great deal of trouble with mommie.  Pee on her smartphone.  That would be the death of him.
My mommie thought it would be "cute" to send this to my uncle.  I fear him.  He is evil.  He attempts to bribe me with treats and make funny ears at me.  I am smart.  Even with your ear attempt I know you are still my uncle.  More on my sentiment towards my uncle later.  He is the father of my very, very evil puppy cousin Winnie.
I understand looking at this picture you would think that there would be no way this poor creature is evil.  Very, Very wrong my friends.  It is smoke and mirrors I tell you.  My puppy cousin is evil.  Has no concern for the life of defenseless little creatures that bring us presents.  I overheard mommie and uncle conversing about how Winnie got into the bunny nest.  This is how my uncle had found the bunnies nest.  Wicked Winnie got into the nest and had a "delectable treat", as my uncle put it.  His very proper way of saying what wicked Winnie had done, as not to upset my mommie too much.

My uncle has realized Winnie's evil ways.  Now he keeps a watchful eye on the old dog to protect the bunnies.  Mommie keeps Bullet from catching the bunnies here and Uncle keeps Winnie from catching the bunnies there.  They are super bunny protectors.

 I, Charlie the chiweenie, shall continue to aid in the protection of bunnies everywhere.  The bunny protector brigrade we shall be...saving bunnies from sea to sea!


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