Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Glimpse of the Weekend past graced with a touch of Spring

Weekends, oh the weekends.  Two days in which you run around like a crazy person.  Time for another rendition of where my weekend went and why can I not have just one more day.

Friday, Track Meet night. One circle, two circle, three circle, and more.  Improved his time and Grandma got to see him run.

Saturday.  Was a day for a little bit of blog work.  Enlisted the help of the steppie.  As you saw yesterday, we took some shadow pictures.  Plus we worked on some "fashion" pictures that will be coming to this little section of the blog sphere.  Here are a few outtakes....
While we were "on location" decided that we might as well enjoy a bit of the day. Of course we went out wandering....
Next time we are definetly going to rethink our shoe decision before venturing onto the trails. Thanking god that we were not in heels at least.  Because you know that would not have stopped us. Our little excursion also enabled me to grab a picture for our signs of spring picture practice with Kelli.
I was so excited to see this little sign of spring on our mini hike. Like giddy like a little school girl.  It has been a long, long winter in Wisconsin folks. 
The rest of our Saturday was spent doing some shopping and indulging in a little mexican (food, not the person, hello) for dinner.  Check out how this douchebaggery parked at Kohls.  I mean come on, it is not like it is porsche.

And a public service announcement for the day...

So don't forget to check people...creepers.
Sunday....in the sack it really is just a cleaning and grocery day.  Except this week where the steppie and hubbie had a confirmation party to attend.

Now you should know by now that I would completely use this as a chance to get a daddie/daughter picture.  Later in the day it was our general Sunday family dinner which included an indulgent treat to be featured on the blog soon.   Plus yet another attempt by the little bro to make nice with the chiweenie.  Maybe someday Charlie will come around, at least this time he did not poop on my hubbie.

There you have our little weekend in the sack.  Stop back tomorrow for my monthly faves.

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