Thursday, April 3, 2014

March - Monthly Faves

Only a few days off getting this post up.  Days have been kind hectic around my little section of the cyberworld.  Like numero 1 announcing the awesome giveaway that we have going on here, starting my wallet watch and the 1800 minute challenge.  Let's though for a moment reflect back on my March favorites (now being a little more catergorized)...

Moment:   Forest getting his license tops the list for the moment of the month.

Music:  Seems like my jam of the month was - #Selfie by the Chainsmokers.  And I love the fact that the Hoff is sprinkled about in there...awesome.

Beauty Stuff:  Here is where the list gets a little out of hand.  Promise (hope) next month maybe shorter:

1. Dove Go Fresh Deodrant in Pomegranate & Lemon Verbena- Who would have known that a deodrant would make the list.  It just smells glorious, of course anything smells better then armpits.
2. Lush Dirty Spring Wash - Leaves my skin clean and happy.  Plus smells absolutely glorious. You know to the point of when you can't shower you just pop the top of the bottle and inhale the glory.
3. Buxom Lip Gloss in Claire - This was a replacement for one of my mac lipglosses since I absolutely adore the buxom line of lip products. All I have to say is: Dear Claire you make my lips tingle. Muah.
4. Bliss Body Butter Lemon and Sage - Creamy, hydrating, not sticky and smells absolutely glorious.  Perfect for making your winter skin calm.
5. Lush Fresh Face Masks - Since they are only available in stores you will need to visit to find out which is best for you.  We had cosmetic warrior and BB seaweed.  Can not wait until we  get down there for some more.
6. Too Faced Natural Eyes Pallette - This came home with me mid-March from Ulta.  The moment it caught my eye in the store I couldn't walk away from it.  Now I am wearing the colors in the pallette so often I have to make an effort to go to use another one of my eye pallettes.  Colors, consistency are fantastic.

Clothes:  Remember when I got that Stitch Fix.  And fell head over heels with a scarf.   Yes, that is my fave this month.  Doing a pretty good job finding different ways to wear it.  Now to just not wear it, like every single or other day.  After all it has been worn to work, Madison road trip, and the spelling bee.  I love it so.

Reading - Nothing right now just trying to stay caught up on the magazines that seem to arrive at my doorstep.

Watching - Shameless.   We got our satelite back based on the point that we needed to watch Shamelss.  This show will seriously make you feel like you are absolutely perfectly normal and then some.  Check it out, Showtime.

Food/Drink -  Let's see.  I am going with spicey foods for the month.  Appears I was eating quite a few mexican dishes, I love me some chorizo, and chili's this month.

Purchase - Even though I did purchase a computer this month I am not quite ready to put this in the whole awesomeness category yet.  That whole deciding if Wndows 8 and me are getting along.

Looking Forward too in next month:  My mommie and daddie should be arriving back to the Wisconsin Winter Wonderland.  Yes we have conclued they are crazy for leaving the warmth to come to the cold. Anyways watch for a version of this except Wisconsin style aka mommie and daddie bundle up because they are freezing.
And of course don't forget to get in on our giveaway from AngelorianTradition

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1 comment:

  1. I get so excited when my stitch fix package comes - do you still do it??
