Now that would be the perfect lead into one app I found this week...the Bullshit button.
Oh this will be utilized every chance I get.
And my phone also tried to inform this morning that I needed to stay home and take care of business when somehow I unlocked my phone and it was on this screen...
A Jalepeno if it would not have 4:47 in the AM maybe.
And 11 days into the month of the Wallet Watch I pretty sure I am doing a shitastic job. Bought an unplanned scarf online, come on you know it was adorable. And totally blasted the grocery budget by going out to eat. Then there was the little bar excurions. But you know when the badgers make it into the final four, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
Let's give some love to some other bloggers whose posts I just loved this week:
Sometimes You Just Need your Mom (Wifessionals) - Makes me all warm and fuzzy.
Like Such As by Venus Trapped in Mars - This post was absolutely hilarious.
Beach Bag Essentials by She Crab Soup - Not only was there a great idea in this post, the carbiner for the keys, yeah hello why did I not think of it before. It also led to an old post of hers on the usage of baby powder at the beach. Genius. Beach Sand Removal Secret
You know that moment when you get to share something with someone just because and it makes them happy..I love that. And I that happened to me today...yay. Now let's move along with the weekend.
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