Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Imma be, Imma be - Imma imma Imma be. 
Singing along with me now?  No idea why the whole spelling bee concept makes me want to break out in a Black Eyed Peas song. While that continues to run thru your head, let's have a look at a Spelling Bee.

Again let's here yet another shout out for the Horicon Phoenix group for bringing another interesting activity to out glorious city.   This time around it was a Spelling Bee. Oh and let me add in here, that it was being held a local bar.  Spelling and cocktails, now you know that led to an interesting evening.


Here is some of the information from Horicon Phoenix programs website:
A spelling bee fundraiser for people who (maybe) can’t spell. So what if you misspell “Conscientious?!”  Gather a team of friends — after all, ONE of your friends must be able to spell, right? Teams should be between three and five people.

Want to buy a do-over for your lame spelling attempt? Starts at $2 (whew!)
Official Spell Yeah themed drinks starting at $6
Proceeds benefit Concerts in the Park.

Add let me highlight a few of my favorite rules and sections of said rules from the game:
  • Your team can purchase up to 4 do-overs if you botch a word. The do-overs cost $2, $5, $10, & $20, respectively. We encourage you to both mess up and to buy do-overs, because we want your money. We reserve the right to allow more do-overs for all teams, if everyone seems both wealthy and egregiously poor at spelling
  • Order plenty of Spell Yeah drinks, which will be available in alcoholic and virgin forms. They cost ever so slightly more than regular drinks, but this is GOOD: we get a % of each drink, and the more you imbibe the alcoholic kind, the likelier you are to need to buy do-overs for your spelling atrocities. Obviously stay safe with the drinking & appoint a designated driver.
  • We’re using Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition. We may mispronounce words. You can ask if it’s mispronounced, and we’ll do our best to correct it, but we promise you nothing. We reserve the right to be stupid.
  • We may give definitions, if you ask. No root words or “derived from Latin” any of that other nonsense. Unless we feel like it. The pronouncer reserves the right to add information at will. And we may give bad and/or misleading definitions. It’s all part of the fun!
  • Judges will eliminate anyone who takes too long, is obnoxious, is unintelligible, or wears ugly shoes. (We’re joking about the shoes. Sort of). Teams will have to soldier on without eliminated members.

Rumor had it that there were only four teams signed up.  By the start of the event they had 12 teams (I think) total.   The room was packed .Right off in round 1 the words were challenging plus the negotiations from some of the contestants were pretty fierce.  I would love to give everyone a step by step of the activities and hilarities of the night, but there were just way to many to count. Adding into the awesomeness is that it was a fundraiser. Way to go everybody for showing up!! 

And remember how in one of the rules it mentioned special drinks, well here they are listed below.  The Hubbie has even found his new summer boating cocktail from the list.

Speaking of drinks, one of my favorite moments was when one of the spellers approached the bar for a cocktail and we asked how she was doing.  To sum it up she basically said, "haven't gotten a word right yet so instead I am just going to get wasted.  I got a driver."  Right on, way to keep the positive attitude!   And of course there always has to be they are with the bar owner:

Trophies and shots in hand.  Congrats.

And of course don't forget to get in on our giveaway from AngelorianTradition

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1 comment:

  1. Spelling bee, adult style? I love this. I was a spelling be regional champ as a kid....always wanted a do-over on my missed word..... haha
