Monday, April 14, 2014

Picture Practice: Person

By far these are my two most favorite boys to snap pictures of, especially since teenagers don't seem to cooperate and husbands get tired of you sticking a camera in their face.  Our first little picture I am amazed that I actually even got.  Try to wrangle these guys down for a moment is one difficult task.
Here are a couple more of my fave pictures.
This one here had the black and white filter applied after the picture was taken.  It turned out perfect and was just a random moment of us goofing around.
Until next week where the subject is nature.  Hopefully it will warm up for me to get out a bit, this whole warm then snow is old people.   Have a lovely week
Linking up with Kelly over at She Crab Soup

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It's hard to get pictures of little kids, sitting still is not their thing!
