Now this brings me to what this post is about…blowing an
amazing amount of cash at Target. Now
there is something you can do to lessen the blow to the wallet, in which said
savings could possible justify that cute pillow that you have to have, and that
is Target couponing. Honestly I am not a
huge couponer (is that a word), just takes way to much time, thought and
patience. You know there are better things to do. Like reading a blog, which would tell you how
to target coupon the “easy” way. Tra La
La…thank you Kaitlyn over at Wifessionals for that blog post. Check it out. How to Extreme Coupon Basics
To some that bad ass post up (the Target section anyway),
use manufacturer's coupons (newspapers/online), a Target coupon printed from
their website, and the cartwheel app.
You get extra bonus if the item you are shopping for is on sale in the
circular. No idea what the cartwheel app
is…google that bad boy. It is a life
changer. Not only can you pre look items up with it, you can scan the barcode
of everything you put in the cart and it will tell you if there is an “electronic
coupon” for you. Completely thanking the
cashier for that little tid bit.
Now let’s see how I did since it was the first time it was
kind of half ass.
What I did do:
Went on line to Target to print coupons when
available for items on my list
Attempted to look up items on the cartwheel app
prior to going (use cashier tip above, much easier)
Used my red card
Didn’t do
Have manufacturers coupons
Here are the savings:
Cartwheel App
What I will do on the future is scan the items
when I add them to the cart for coupon checking
Got lucky and scored some additional coupons, my
cashier was the bombed
Gift Card addition for one of my purchases $10
Red Card Savings $17
Overall Bill would have been $410.64 and I paid $351.90
Savings 14%
Not too bad for feeling like I didn’t have it together. Was it easy, yes? Will it be easier the next time? Most definitely. No fear my non-couponers. Target couponing easy as pie highly
Scared keep the eye on the prize, or pillow or adorable
shirt that you just need or the amazingly cute lip gloss. Good luck loves on your bargain hunt.
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