Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Mayhem aka chaos.  That was exactly how I felt about the month of April.  For some reason I  was totally completely off track. It was in enough areas to make me want to pull my hair out and just stay in a perpetual fishy face...
Seriously when everything seems to be going a little nuts there is nothing that makes one feel better then a fish face.  Sooner or later you have to stop because otherwise, like mom and dad say, "keep making that face and it'll get stuck like that."  Meals from a straw, I don't think so.  Keep the fish making faces to a minimum, got it.

To prevent mayhem from spilling over into May, I decided it was time to put some goals out there or aka shit I would like to accomplish this month.   As everyone knows when they are tossed on the blog it holds one majorly accountable.  Of course so does putting money on the subject, but with the shitastic job I did on the wallet watch...I be a broke girl with cool things currently.


Getting the Booty in Shape
  1. Run once more per week aka Saturday long runs
  2. Walk the pudgie puppies 3x's a week
  3. Finish the #1800 minute daily challenge
Feeding the Machine
  1. Less carbs more veggies
  2. Try a new grill recipe (also known as find recipe give to the grill master aka hubbie to cook)
  3. Alcohol one day a week  (yes, you read that correctly)
  4. Little to no Sweets
Happy Home
  1. Get Morgan and Coopers picture changed out aka make the yearly collage of the goobers
  2. Kick ass on the house to do list (one project a week minimum) Note to the Wisconsin weather...please cooperate
  1. Refresh the blog
  2. Celebrate our Blogversary
  1. 100 Days of Happy challenge - Click on one of those little social media icons to follow along.
Show me the Money
  1.  Do over on the little wallet watch
    • No outing that is not budgeted for.
    • No items not budgeted for. Above and beyond the everyday
    • No unnecessary purchases. Not on the preplanned list. No buy.
    • Stay within the house, grocery and personal item budget.
And there you have that those goals are set we can bring on May and the warm weather that best come along with it.  Boom we will be getting on track and kicking some arse.

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